Categories: Web Design

10 Ways To Increase ROI At The End Of The Day By Leveraging Web Design In India

Traditionally, design is considered to be too esoteric a concept for its impact to be measured through any pre specified metrics. For the same reason, creativity is often sold short when it comes to justifying its cost. The fact, however, is that great web design goes a long way in improving ROI. An effective design can have a significant impact on aspects such as how much time a consumer spends on a site or low shopping cart abandonment rates, in turn affecting profitability. The important thing to remember is that web design is as much a science as it is an art. Therefore, The focus, is not on embellishing the site with frills and fancies, but adding value to the consumer while retaining your brand elements.

Here are 10 ways to increase ROI by leveraging web design in India.

1. Design with your target customer in mind

You can significantly impact ROI if you design with the end consumer in mind. For this it is imperative that you profile the consumer clearly as also study their likes, dislikes and buying patterns. Designing the site based on consumer insights will add to the site’s usage and in turn will impact profitability.

2. Have a clear goal for your website

Before beginning to design your website, it is important to have a clear goal for your site. It is important that you determine what is it exactly that you want the site to do. Depending on whether the purpose of the site is branding or actual sales, the design element should incorporate strong call to action that motivates the target audience to act accordingly.

3. Ease of Navigation

In a bid to be creative, the one thing that you cannot compromise on is the ease of navigation. In fact easy navigability needs to a strong premise of the design itself. Easy to understand menus and de-cluttering your website will go a long way in getting your target consumer to take the desired action.

4. Responsive Design

With the number of devices that enable internet accessibility, increasing exponentially, not having a responsive design is a sure fire way of losing business to competition. A mobile site, in fact, is a necessary investment to enable customers to access your site while on the move.

5. Concise Messaging

The design of a site isn’t limited to its look and feel alone. What strongly impacts the site’s overall appeal is concise and relevant messages. Ensure therefore, that a strong copy is one of the strong points of your site. With limited attention spans, this one aspect when taken care of can go a long way in creating the desired impact.

6. A/B testing

As brand owners we often rely on our own or at best our team’s judgments on the creative aspects of the site. Sometimes, being too involved with the brand may not allow us to see things from the consumer point of view. It is important therefore to conduct A/B testing on specific design elements to see what works well with your audiences and go with the same.

7. Optimize all aspects of your website

Designing a website means paying due attention to each and every aspect of the design and the purpose it solves. While over investing in fancy applications may seem tempting, it is important to have a goal-oriented view. When the design is looked at with this perspective, you are bound to optimize every element of the site and in turn endow the site with improved usability and finally profitability.

8. Memorability

All the above aspects when taken care of, lend the site, memorability. A website is more than just an online catalogue. It is a virtual address for your business. It is imperative, therefore, that your web design creates a strong impact on your target audience. Memorability, in turn, is a function of a number of aspects, primary among them being:

  • Having a strong USP which is communicated through your site
  • Strong Branding so the customer relates the services you are offering with your brand name
  • Quality of information on your site

9. Keep your website fresh and relevant

It is important to remember that design isn’t a one-time activity. While you may have completed the project of having your website designed, you need to work at keeping your site relevant and fresh. Keeping information up to date will go a long way in not just keeping consumers informed about also signaling to them that you value the relationship. Similarly, keeping the design element updated to the user’s changing tastes and preferences will ensure that the consumer builds a lasting relationship with the brand.

10. Be future proof

Last but certainly not the least, remember to keep the design of the site nimble and one which lends itself to easy updation in keeping with the dynamic changes happening in every business.

If you are looking for a Website Design Services, UX/UI Web Design, Online Store Design, Ecommerce Website Design, Please Explore our Website Design Services! We also provide Website Redesign Services, Online Store Redesign and Ecommerce Website Redesign Services. For More Information, Please Visit Our Website Redesign Services!

Web Development India

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