Categories: Website Maintenance

5 Things You Can’t Ignore While Choosing the Right Website Maintenance Company

So Your Website has finally been made and you are thrilled that you finally have a virtual presence that does justice to your business! The job, however, does not end here. Build it and leave it- clearly isn’t something that applies to websites. Rightly so, as the site needs to evolve as also remain updated. Updating content, ensuring there are no broken links, search engine optimization- there are enough and more tasks that are required to be performed. Oftentimes doing them on your own means that you aren’t able to dedicate time and energy to your core business area. It is, therefore, imperative, that you choose the right website maintenance company. How? That remains the big question especially as you see many website maintenance packages essentially claiming to do the same things. Here is help. Below are some of the aspects to watch out for:

Identify your Needs

First and foremost, even before beginning the search for the right partner, introspect to see what your own requirements are. Once you have clarity with that, you will be able to communicate effectively with the partner on what is it that you exactly need. Whether it is the fact that you want someone who has the expertise to help with Search Engine Optimization or even design a new website should the need arise, these are all aspects that will help in the search for the right website maintenance company. What you are doing by undertaking this early exercise is setting the stage for future success and taking away any opportunities for miscommunication and failure. By ensuring that the website maintenance company that you choose is a one-stop shop, what you are also doing is that you are taking away the need to deal with multiple vendors and the lack of accountability that could accrue on account of a host of partners.

Team of Professionals and Client Portfolio

It is worthwhile to look at the credentials of the team being offered for your project and the years of expertise they have. A good indicator of the partner’s website maintenance capability would also be a diversified client portfolio. It will be worth your time and effort to look for client testimonials to see how satisfied these clients are with the services offered. This will give you a fair idea of the partner capabilities as also what kind of response time they have and more! If you are a start-up, for example, you could also check to see if their portfolio includes startups and if they are catering to their bespoke needs. The partner you choose should clearly believe that when it comes to websites, a cookie-cutter approach does not work.

Agile Methodology and Turnaround Time

The other aspect to look out for is whether the partner makes use of agile methodology and what kind of turnaround times do they offer. In the internet business, you cannot afford to have large turnaround times as it will certainly impact user experience and your corporate image. 24X7 support is an aspect that you should look out for while choosing the website maintenance company.

Customized Services

It is also important to check if the partner can offer you customized services to suit your individual requirements. For example, in case you aren’t looking at regular monthly website maintenance but are looking for on-demand services, is the partner able to offer the same.

Competitive Pricing

Let’s face it, prices alone are no indicator of quality. You cannot, therefore make your choice basis the price point alone. Having said that, you will of course have to benchmark the offerings with the prices being offered and be sure that the prices are competitive for the kind of services being offered. The important areas to look for also include a) easy cancellations and b) no hidden costs as these could significantly impact your budgets. In fact, while choosing a website maintenance plan at a certain price point, do ensure that you get into the details of what are the services included so that there is no dissonance at a later date. Professional website maintenance companies could have separate packages for startups and large businesses, as also for Drupal-based websites, Magento based website, WordPress sites and more. Prudence in selecting these packages carefully can go a long way in impacting your satisfaction levels in the long run.

Due diligence done in the initial stages of choosing the right website maintenance partner on the above parameters will ensure that your website maintenance goals are met and that you score both in terms of user experience as well as an enhanced corporate image. Failing this due diligence of course the most well-made website could fall prey to becoming obsolete and irrelevant; one that does not speak to its customers.

We provide a complete website maintenance service from a small content updates, bug fixing, trouble shooting, critical security updates, SSL Installation, Module configuration, installation to version upgrades and much more.

Whether you are a start-up, small business, enterprise, or large scale corporation, we offer a complete website maintenance and support plans which will cover all your aspects.

If you are looking for a Web Development and Web Application Development, Please Explore our Web Development Services! We also provide Website Maintenance Services and Web Application Security Audit. For More Information, Please Visit Our Website Maintenance Services!

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