6 Reasons You Need WordPress Website Maintenance in 2020

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 28, 2020
Wordpress Website Maintenance

In the early times, websites were viewed more as online brochures and the standard approach was to build the websites and then nearly forget about their existence. Little surprise then that the concept of website maintenance didn’t exist as you hardly ever thought about website security or loading speed and the like.

With websites becoming more and more complex and intending to serve a host of marketing functions beyond just being online brochures, maintaining them is a very important task.

Here are the top reasons why you need WordPress Maintenance Services:

Site Back Up

There is no doubt that you need to keep effective backups of your website. After all, you cannot afford to lose important data if something goes wrong. On the other hand, if you have backed up your website, all you need to do is to restore it in case there is an exigency. In fact, it is important to have an off-site back up stored either in Dropbox or Google Drive, so that if the hosting platform’s server has an issue, you do not lose your website backup. With a WordPress Maintenance Plan, you can rest assured that off-site backups will be taken regularly and that there can be no eventuality of you losing the backup data.

Updation of WordPress Core, theme and plugins

WordPress code is continuously being updated. New features are being added and bugs are being fixed. It is therefore mandatory that all the WordPress themes and plugins are, therefore, periodically updated. In fact, whenever there is any update available on the theme, core or plugin, it is prudent that the update is made. In case there are multiple updates, it is recommended that they are made in the following order:

  1. Plugins
  2. Theme
  3. Core

Needless to mention, however, that a security update needs to be made as soon as it is available, as it protects your site from potential hackers.

It is prudent, however, to take a backup of the site before any updates are made. In this way, in case any plugins conflict with each other or there are any bugs, you have a backed-up version of the website available. Now, these are tasks that are covered under WordPress website maintenance packages. When you hand over your WordPress Website Maintenance work to professionals, you do not have to worry about your website remaining updated or about anything going wrong with the updates.

Database Optimization

WordPress stores all the content of your website in a database. This includes even the blog posts and any other content that you put up on the site over a period of time, the database can have a host of stuff you do not need such as post revisions, unapproved comments, unused categories and more. Eventually, all of this leads to slowing down of the website, which can cost your business dearly as it affects user experience and thereby increases bounce rates. It is imperative, therefore, to ensure that you subscribe to WordPress Maintenance Services that ensure database optimization and keep your website in perfect order.


Another aspect that WordPress Maintenance Services offer is the moderation of comments. You clearly do not want a situation where you haven’t approved comments in the longest time as that will certainly impact engagement. You would also want to ensure that the deleted comments are emptied and that spam is kept at bay.

It Optimizes the Visitor Experience

Most importantly effective WordPress Website Maintenance Packages ensure the user experience is optimized. With updated content, frequent moderation, high loading speed, what you are effectively ensuring is that your audience is kept engaged and keeps coming back to the site as well as ensures positive word-of-mouth publicity for the business.

Search Engine Optimization

Discoverability is an essential aspect of any website. WordPress Website Maintenance will ensure that your site is fast, error-free, well updated, thereby helping search engines to rank your site.

With smaller sites, there is also the danger of SEO spam, whereby the content of your website could have a host of spam pages and links added to be able to use them for spam link building. WordPress Website Maintenance Packages can help address these issues and keep your website safe.

It is clear, therefore, that with increased competition, audience fragmentation and intense competition, effective website maintenance is the need of the hour. What you need to ensure, however, is to partner with a professional WordPress Website Maintenance company that has the requisite experience and domain expertise to bring these valuable advantages to the table. It will be worthwhile to see the body of work that the company has done as well as the client testimonials that can stand as evidence to the professional work done as well as the benefits reaped by the clients.

Skynet Technologies is a Leading WordPress Website Maintenance Company offering small blog update to critical securing package WordPress Maintenance Service. We have a skilled and dedicated developers having years of expertise in delivering simple to complex WordPress Website Maintenance task across all the industry domains.

Our WordPress Website Maintenance Services are available in Nevada, California, Ohio, New York, Michigan, Colorado, Florida, New Jersey, Australia, Germany, France, Switzerland and Worldwide. We help start-ups, small to medium businesses, enterprises, corporations, web development agencies and firms to grow their business and keep website up-to-date with latest technology trends.

If you are looking for a WordPress Web Development, WooCommerce Store Development and Other Related Web Development Services, Please Explore our WordPress Web Development Services! We also provide WordPress Website Maintenance Services and WordPress Application Security Audit. For More Information, Please Visit Our WordPress Maintenance Services!

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