How to do Keyword Research for SEO? Ultimate Guide for Best Keyword Research Tools to Boost Organic Traffic!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 28, 2020
SEO Keyword Research

Anyone who is looking for their requirements – nowadays with the help of Google, Bing and Co. Countless search results follow a search query. But only the first results are relevant for a large number of searchers.

There are few factors to consider to ensure long-term success in the ecommerce industry. This also includes search engine marketing, within which keyword research plays an elementary role.

Important background information

More than 80 percent of people use various search engines to search for products or services. With a market share of 87.35 percent, Google leaves its competitors behind and remains the most used search engine worldwide. Only 60% of all organic clicks attributable to the first position of the search results list and the click probability varies with the unused terminal device (desktop, smartphone, tablet) hardly.

Ecommerce operators, entrepreneurs and other online business providers are therefore faced with the challenge of being displayed at the top of search engine results. This is the only way they have a chance to be considered by potential customers.

Good Ranking in the Search Engine Ranking

In order to achieve a good ranking in the search engine ranking, several factors have to be considered:

  • Definition of the keywords
  • One Page – One Keyword
  • Informational content with at least 300 words
  • Optimization of the images used
  • Use of bullets, tables and numbering
  • Set meaningful links
  • Definition of a suitable URL (search engine and user friendly)
  • Use of online tools for search engine optimization (Google Ads)

From now on, keyword research will be the focus of the article.

What is keyword research and what are the benefits?

The keyword research – or Keyword Analysis – situated within the search engine marketing is a very important component is referred to the search for essential keywords to optimize with the aim of a landing page or an entire domain.

With the help of the keyword analysis, online store operators can find out which keywords potential customers enter in the respective search engines in order to search for solutions, goods or services.

In addition to keyword research, other SEO measures are necessary for success in the digital world. but keyword research is at the beginning of every On-Page optimization (content-structural and technical optimization of a website). It gives you the opportunity to get to know your target group better, to understand them and to reach them at all.

Keywords help to be found by the desired target group and to increase the traffic on your own website / ecommerce immensely. However, keywords only make sense if they match the expected traffic, the strength of the competition and the search volume.

The Best Keyword Research Tools

Search engine optimization usually goes hand in hand with extensive data sets, so it is worth using certain research tools.

The following tools can be used to find suitable keywords for a domain or website. In addition, they provide data sets such as the search volume or the keyword combination of the competition.

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends
  • Google Suggest
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Ads

Google Keyword Planner

The keyword planner from Google has already established itself in search engine marketing (SEO). This tool not only suggests new and suitable keywords, but also gives you the monthly search volume.

The search volume can be used to prioritize which keywords are most suitable for optimization measures. Both search terms and websites can be entered for analysis purposes. A free Google Ads account is required to use the Keyword Planner.

Google Trends

As the name suggests, this is also a Google tool. Google Trends shows the number of search terms actually entered over time and puts them in relation to the total search volume. Trendy searches from different countries and cities are mapped by Google Trends. The results can be sorted by country, city and time period.

There is also the option of selecting categories suitable for the keyword and restricting them to image searches, Google Shopping, YouTube videos or news searches.

Google Suggest

Autocomplete, as Google Suggest is also called, is a function of the Google search engine that provides users with suggestions for completing the search query as soon as they type. Google Suggest can be easily used during normal Google searches.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console promises better performance in Google search. This is also a free analysis and service tool from Google. With the help of Google Search Console, statistics can be viewed as well as numerous website settings and various optimization.

In addition, Google Search Console provides information about impressions in Google search, CTR (clickthrough rate) and the average position of the keyword.

The viewable data on certain keywords, which has already achieved impressions for your page in Google search, can create new, well-ranked combinations that have not yet been considered.

A valid Google account is also required for Google Search Console. Only then can the page in question be registered and verified by the owner. Alternatively, the website can be verified using a Google Analytics account. GSC (Google Search Console) is an excellent addition to Google Analytics.

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords)

Google’s advertising program enables advertisers to conduct search engine marketing. Google search results appear in small text ads and point to your website.


Optimal keyword research takes time, but is easier to implement with the right tools than it may seem at first glance. The keyword research is essential for the on-page optimization and one of the most important foundations for all other SEO measures.

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