Top 5 Reasons Why Every Small Business Needs a Website Redesign Service!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
Website Redesign Service

Website Redesign – Why it is necessary?

If you are a small business, odds are that while you have a website, your business has far outgrown it. While your flourishing business is commendable, to have a virtual front that does not do justice to your business does not bode too well.

Here are some aspects to watch out for and if you land up answering “yes” to some or many of these questions, it is about time you need to look at a website redesign.

It isn’t offering the results you had anticipated?

One of the upfront reasons why businesses often avail of website redesign services is that the site isn’t delivering up to your expectations. This could take several forms, depending on your line of business. It could mean you aren’t getting enough conversions or that users are struggling to move from point A to B on account of complexity in design. Website redesign could go a long way in attending to the user flow or bringing out the call to action sharply, that could, in turn, have a tangible impact on business. It is important, however, to conduct A/B testing before implementing these changes to ensure that you reap the benefits you are looking for.

Your site is slow?

Now this is one of the most significant reasons to undertake website redesign. A site that is painfully slow to load, does several things. For starters, it impacts your brand image. Importantly, in a milieu where attention spans are extremely fragmented, a painfully slow site is a sure enough reason to increase bounce rate. In fact, according to a 2018 research by Google, 53% of mobile users leave a site that takes longer than three seconds to load.

A redesign can go a long way in improving site performance. An effective website redesign service provider will go through your site with a fine toothcomb and evaluate every element and its efficacy. Website redesign can go a long way in optimizing your site and facilitating a great user experience.

Your website isn’t responsive?

Thanks to the proliferation of new devices, the desktop isn’t the primary means of accessing the internet anymore. In fact, as per a study complied by Statista, mobile phones that made up for just over 16% of worldwide traffic in 2013, now account for over 52% of the traffic. This figure is only slated to grow with the growth in 5G technology. In times such as these, if your website isn’t responsive, it is bound to result in a high bounce rate as users will no longer be happy with a subpar experience. Add to it the fact that Google penalizes the sites that aren’t mobile friendly in its search results, and you know how important it is to get your website redesigned. What you are offering users, in turn, is a high quality experience, optimized for their devices.

There has been a change in your branding strategy?

It is entirely possible that marketing strategies being fluid, your business has undergone changes as far as your marketing or branding strategy is concerned. It could simply mean a new logo for the brand or the fact that your product lines are now catering to a different TG. This may require a whole new approach as far as your website as well as any other marketing collaterals are concerned, so that they can resonate with the target audience. Your website is a critical component of your brand and marketing strategy and as your business evolves, so must your website. Consistency in branding, goes a long way in raising the perceived value of your business and inspire confidence while disconnected messages lead to confusion and mistrust.

Your site doesn’t have relevant content?

Content is king, might sound like a cliché, but the fact is that the efficacy of content marketing is unparalleled in today’s times. As per a study by Demand Metric, content marketing is known to generate three times as many leads as outbound marketing at only about 40% of its cost. Successful content marketing involves creating user personas and creating relevant content to fit their bespoke needs. This in turn, leads to better engagement as well as conversion rates. However, it could be a possibility that your website isn’t designed to showcase great content. Perhaps it doesn’t have a dynamic blog or even if it does, the website navigation doesn’t lend itself to its discovery. It is imperative that your website design supports the content that you create and leads your business from strength to strength.

If you have said “yes” to several questions above, it is a given that your website isn’t working as well as you would like it to. The positive thing, however, is that, you are only a redesign away from a website that works well as per your expectations and industry benchmarks!

If you are looking for a website redesign service, website revamp service, online store redesign service or ecommerce website redesign service, Explore our website redesign services! We also provide ecommerce website design, online store design, shopping cart design, website design services, UX/UI web design, Please explore our website design services!

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