Why Drupal Website Maintenance is Crucial for Your Business?

By | Date posted: | Last updated: January 27, 2021
Drupal Website Maintanance

An open source CMS, Drupal has emerged as a popular choice when it comes to creating websites. Not without reason! With the use of Drupal you can rest assured that your site will have a lot of flexibility in terms of design to create a content-rich website. Drupal is equipped to manage a wide variety of content types be it videos, podcasts, polls or statistics. Drupal also lends itself to a lot of customization. With over 16,000 modules and rich custom features, its usage is ubiquitous.

Another key advantage of Drupal stems from the fact that it is eminently scalable. The popularity of Drupal also comes from the fact that it offers high degree of security. As per the 2015 Drupal Annual Security Report “there have been no widely exploited vulnerabilities in Drupal core for which there was no patch or upgrade available at the time of public disclosure.”

Having put together a Drupal website, you however need to ensure that the website is well maintained. This is important on several accounts.

Tips For Drupal Web maintenance

Security update

When you have customized the website by way of modules and themes, it is crucial that you keep all these modules updated and secure. Drupal website maintenance services ensure that all security patches are kept updated so that there isn’t any scope of a security lapse. In addition, the Drupal maintenance company will ensure a host of practices such as:

  • Protect login procedures
  • Set up permission orders
  • Remove obsolete modules and more

Effective back ups

Taking effective backups is crucial for any website. This ensures that you do not lose any important information in case there is any exigency. A website maintenance company ensures that all aspects of back up, whether it pertains to the code or data, is effectively kept.

Ensures performance audit

In a competitive marketplace such as today, ensuring superior customer experience is imperative. A host of performance issues on the website such as a broken code or a page not loading or irrelevant information can be enough to increase the website bounce rate. Drupal Maintenance Company will undertake a performance audit and work on issues found wanting. In turn, this will ensure that the site is robust and offers a great experience to users. Website maintenance will also ensure that new features and enhancements are periodically made that keeps the site updated and relevant. Another important advantage of having Drupal website maintenance services is that any bugs can be fixed and any troubleshooting done seamlessly.


Drupal periodically issues a number of updates, both minor and major. Drupal 8, for example was a major upgrade as compared to Drupal 7; whether it was to do with a mobile first approach or easy interaction with third party applications. A website maintenance company will ensure that these upgrades are seamless. With Drupal 9 scheduled to be released in 2020, there would be another upgrade to be made soon. In fact, the important thing when it comes to upgrading from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 is to regularly remove deprecated code. This is something a website maintenance company can ensure on a continuous basis.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is an important aspect when it comes to website discoverability. Drupal offers a whole lot of best practices which if followed ensure effective SEO. With Drupal’s content management system offering an effective framework to update the site with the latest information, you need a maintenance company, which will update the relevant information on a continuous basis.


Drupal maintenance services will also include reliable hosting as well as uptime monitoring. This will ensure that the site works seamlessly 24X7.

 Allows you to focus on your business

With business owners having a lot to focus on when it comes to the core business area, an effective Drupal maintenance company allows you to do exactly that. With specialized partners who use agile development methodology to implement Drupal modules, you can rest assured that your website maintenance is in safe hands.

Overall with an effective Drupal maintenance company, you can be assured of three aspects:

  •  Preventive Maintenance
    This allows the company to anticipate any issues relating to the security of the site or the stability of the site. This ensures user satisfaction.
  • Corrective Maintenance
    This is to do with correcting any issues that occur on the site.
  • Adaptive Maintenance
    This allows the site to remain updated in a dynamic environment.

At Skynet Technologies, we offer a full suite of Drupal Maintenance Services. Whether you are a start up or a small, medium or large business or a Government Enterprise, our professional services will ensure that your website is kept updated and running seamlessly. From handling one-time to ongoing needs, our bespoke services have you fully covered.

Our Professional Drupal Website Maintenance Services are available in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France, Spain, Netherlands, UK and all the 50 states of the USA.

If you are looking for a Drupal Web Development, Drupal Commerce Development and Other Related Web Development Services, for more information, Please Explore our Drupal Web Development Services! We also provide Drupal Website Maintenance Services, Drupal Migration and Drupal Application Security Audit. For More Information, Please Visit Our Drupal Maintenance Services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through submit form & We'll get back to you soon!

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