Top SEO and Digital Marketing Trends to Combat the Business Impact of COVID-19!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: April 22, 2021
Digital Marketing Trends

We have all been talking of a VUCA world for a while now. While so far it may have been just a trendy acronym that stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity,
COVID -19, has really brought us face to face with a highly volatile and uncertain world, like never before. While we are faced with a mammoth health crisis, its business impact is also substantial.

One thing, however, is certain, now is the time to refocus your strategy to adapt to the current digital transformation that has taken businesses by storm.

Here are some major digital marketing trends to focus your strategy on:

Online Events

This is the time to look at virtual conferences and events. It could be a webinar, an interactive workshop or the like that will help position you as a thought leader in your industry. A word of caution here though- since the pandemic has seen an exponential rise in webinars, making it a key digital marketing trend 2020, you need to make sure that what you are offering is of value to the target consumer and is not just a tick mark in your digital marketing toolkit.

Adapt to search behavior

How people are searching for thing online, for sure has changed during this pandemic. It is about time you relooked at your website so you are in sync with the highly searched keywords. You may also want to align your website content to the new market realities we are facing. If your business falls in the “essential services” category, for example, odds are that there is a large influx in search interest. As a brand, it is important for you to closely monitor keyword tools to see the shifts in search behavior and conversion metrics.

Search Engine Optimization can have a strong role in overcoming the business impact of COVID-19. Strategies such as use of FAQs, Schema, AMP, Voice Search and more can go a long way in crisis- recovery strategy. Here are some handy tips:

Google My Business

  • Ensure that your schema is updated. Some relevant schema include:
    • COVID-related announcements
    • Specifications of opening hours
    • FAQ Page
    • How to Page
    • Breadcrumbs and more
  • Make sure you update The Google My Business page to display the latest information.
  • AMP or accelerated mobile pages can be effectively used to enhance mobile visibility, engagement as well as conversion.
  • FAQs and voice search are other modes that you can employ to increase visibility of your business.

Audience Engagement

With digital consumption including video consumption and consumption of social media showing an exponential increase as most countries are facing lockdowns of sorts, it is extremely important to engage with your audience. The one thing to watch out for, however is that you need to consciously weed away tacky promotions. If anything, you need to humanize your brand and offer reassurance and tangible assistance during unprecedented times such as these. To do this, you have to create content that builds trust. It will go a long way in creating a long-lasting relationship with your consumers.

Social Commerce

Google Shopping

As the pandemic has brought a host of offline businesses to a grinding halt, the use of omni-channel models can ensure that you can leverage technology to remain in business. Social commerce platforms are especially emerging as facilitators to this transition. Offline players can get a hassle-free online presence while AI is used to automate catalogue as well as to list offline inventory. With Google allowing merchants to display their products across Google Shopping, the opportunity is now available to reach out to millions of shoppers in a day as the Google shopping tab allows free listings.

All of this will go a long way in a quicker liquidation cycle and importantly a steady income flow in these times.

AI Chatbots

Speaking of AI based solutions, AI chatbots can also come to your rescue in a situation, where customer support can be in a big issue. AI chat bots can ensure that there isn’t a huge backlog when it comes to support requests.

Promote your business online

Google Ads

Facebook Ads

While it may sound counterintuitive to advertise during a low phase, the fact is advertising across search and social at this time could go a long way in driving extra traffic. You could invest in Google Ads or Facebook Ads to reach your audiences. In fact, adjusting your PPC campaigns for new search terms will ensure that you reach out to the relevant audience. Google trends, is also a great tool to understand how people’s search interests are changing.

Future proof your business

Above everything, use this opportunity, to future proof your business. One way to do that, as the Corona virus outbreak has shown us, is to expedite digital transformation. Consider ways and means by which you can digitize your products for the future. For example, could you offer something as a download or in place of an in-person consultation can you look at a virtual or teleconferencing option. Decisions such as these, taken now, will go a long way in protecting business interests. We have already been shown the way, with films releasing on OTT platforms instead of waiting for a theatrical release. Future proofing the business for potential emergencies will sure be a reliable metric in evaluating the readiness of a business, going forward.

Skynet Technologies has been over 19 years of experience in offering search engine optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO) and Digital Marketing Services in USA, UK, Australia Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, New Zealand and worldwide based on your business requirements. Whether you are looking for brand awareness, generating traffic or getting more visitors to your website, generating more leads or conversion, we can help you to increase your web presence across the globe and bringing you more customers.

If you are looking for Search Engine Optimization Services, Social Media Marketing Services, Digital Marketing Services, PPC Campaign Management Services and more, Please Explore our SEO Services!

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