Top 12 Conversion Rate Optimization Tips for Ecommerce Business Solution

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
Ecommerce Business Solution

To optimize an ecommerce website or an online store, various key figures are consulted for analysis. One of the most important key figures is called “conversion rate”. This measures the number of visitors compared to those who carried out the desired action. In the Ecommerce store, the owner is simply interested in the number of visitors who place an order. However, this is much more complex, since many pages do not offer an order at all or are simply a classic website. In this case, a conversion is often a contact in the form of a request, an email, a phone call or a chat request.

In this article, we have put together a few measures that primarily aim to optimize this number of leads generated. In other words: How will an ecommerce website as a whole become more successful with the existing visitors?

Anyways, What are Conversions in Ecommerce Store?

A conversion is an action on an Ecommerce website that previously defined as the goal to achieved. Such a goal does not necessarily have to be a sale. Possible conversions include:

  • Lead generation by filling out and sending the contact form.
  • Lead generation through a phone call.
  • The opt-in for the newsletter.
  • The sale / “order confirmation” page in a shop.

Conversions can be very diverse and are weighted individually from industry to industry. The conversion rate is calculated from the number of conversions achieved (predefined goal) divided by the number of visitors.

How to Generate More Leads for Your Online Store?

Explore the 12 tips for optimizing the conversion rate in the ecommerce business help to develop a strategy for a constant review and adjustment of the relevant factors.

1. SEO as a Powerful Tool for Lead Generation

In order to lead potential customers or buyers to an ecommerce website or online shop, the page must have a certain relevance and findability for search engines. Therefore, many measures of classic search engine optimization are preparatory measures for optimizing the conversion rate in the Ecommerce business. These include factors such as the behaviour of the system on mobile devices. Good usability on mobile devices is essential for search engines these days. However, values such as the page speed are also an important measuring instrument for the conversion rate optimization. If the page loads very slowly, the visitor gets to the destination less well and the risk of premature interruptions increases. So first optimize your page fundamentally for search engines to be found and thus generate leads.

2. With Clear USPs to a Better Conversion Rate in Ecommerce

If the user is on your side, he should immediately see why he is right for you and should not go on to the competition. So, your USPs should be clearly visible. Remember that many entries on your website do not necessarily take place on the homepage. It is, therefore, appropriate to highlight the USPs here, but it is not the only way to achieve this. External references, in particular, can be very important, but can often refer to specific landing pages/sub-pages. Therefore, the USPs are often listed directly in the header of the page to be present on every landing page.

But also keep in mind that USPs only increase the conversion rate if they are really unique or special. “USPs” such as “great product variety”, “top prices” or “free shipping” are so generic that they hardly have any effect. So, think carefully about what sets you apart from your competitors. Maybe you can offer a special service that your competition doesn’t offer!

3. Content is King – Also with Your Ecommerce Store

The content is not only an important factor for success from an SEO perspective. High-quality content is also extremely helpful for increasing leads. Texts should be legible, understandable and clearly worded. The visitor to the site wants to understand what it is about and wants content that offers them added value. Therefore, pictures should always be in the appropriate resolution. If images are too large, they would have a negative impact on page speed, and images that are too small have a pixelated appearance and can increase the risk of jumps.

4. The First “U” – With Successful Usability to More Leads

“Usability” stands for “suitability” and thus suitability is a crucial factor for your website. Is the site easy to use? Is the content well-structured and the navigation is intuitive to use? Does the visitor find areas such as the search function and the shopping cart as well as the contact form intuitively or does he first have to spend more time to find them? By constant checking and improving usability, visitors get to their destination faster and are more satisfied. The usability should also include user guidance. If the visitor is distracted on his way (example cross-selling products in the checkout process), this can negatively affect the conversion rate!

5. The Second “U” – A Positive User Experience as a Success Factor for The CRO

“User Experience (UX)” describes the experience how a visitor connects to the page. Does the visitor find a uniform and clear corporate identity in your online store? Does the visitor perceive the content as added value? Does visitor find simple, short processes in the system and find the data? Then the user is satisfied and will reach his goal faster. User Experience aims to increase the length of stay and make the customer “happy”. This means no artificially drawn-out text to keep the user on the page. Here the UX turns negative and the risk of bounce rate would have increased. The user should build a positive association with the shop / page through a successful usability paired with the right content in the right place. When querying customer data, “less is more” counts, because querying the relevant customer data makes the customer satisfied. Nobody wants to provide additional, irrelevant data in the purchase process to reach the goal. Even if it is tempting to query and collect as much customer data as possible, it does not make the customer happy and that is not the goal of successful user experience. So, this is about perception and emotion.

6. Increase Conversion Rate in Ecommerce & Guide The Visitor Through CTAs

A CTA (Call to Action) guides the visitor. With well-placed and clear calls for action in the form of buttons and the like, the visitor finds his goal. The placed CTAs should be checked continuously and adjusted if necessary. Are they clearly visible and placed in the reading flow? How often are you clicked and does the visitor find destination or does a jump often occur afterwards? Analyze this data to optimize your calls for action and also pay attention to the choice of wording. Avoid command-like calls and, if possible, do not place any actions with negative connotations inconspicuous buttons (such as “Close” or “Cancel”).

7. Trust Leads to The Goal – Trust Elements as a CRO Booster

In the Ecommerce store, trust elements is a factor with a great influence on a possible conversion. Integrate platforms or place existing certificates or seals of approval on relevant pages. When designing a landing page, pay attention to the trust-building elements. These can be customer opinions, testimonials, seals of approval and the vice versa. Don’t be afraid of customer reviews on external platforms. Customer opinions are not only an SEO ranking factor but also a helpful means to increase trust in your store and thus to increase the conversion rate. Consistently positive feedback on external platforms is rare. Do not be afraid to conduct active evaluation management and see not completely positive evaluations as an opportunity for improvement. Grow and respond to reviews – both positive and negative feedback. Another measure of trust in your company is your “social proof”. Interaction on social media channels creates trust. Potential customers see others who already trust you and are therefore an aspect of trust-building measures that should not be underestimated

8. Conversion Rate Optimization in Ecommerce Store Through Clear Target Group Definition

The above measures already tap a large part of the lead funnel. Now you want to be more specific and guide the visitor to his goal. The more pointed the funnel becomes, the more specific your leads become. But if your target group is unclear or very broad, it will be difficult to filter out the relevant leads. The broad mass of visitors does not necessarily lead to a higher conversion, so a clear analysis of your target group is essential. Does your content fit your target group? Does the target group you want to address & find the content on your site? If so, then you have already adapted your system to your target group. However, if there is a lack of conversions, you should check whether you have clearly defined your target group and your goals.

9. With Remarketing Faster in The Conversion Funnel

Remarketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools. If a visitor has already visited the desired landing page, then visitor is in your “remarketing storefront”. These visitors are most likely very relevant and valuable leads and it is therefore a good idea to remind them again about your company, your service or your product. This happens in different ways. Some options are in place:

  • Search engine advertising (SEA)
  • Social media campaigns
  • Campaigns on business platforms
  • Newsletter

When you are going to remarketing, pay particular attention to data protection and frequency capping in the Ecommerce area so as not to overwhelm potential leads with advertising.

10. Increase Conversation Rate for Dynamic Content

In addition to general remarketing, dynamic content recommended. It is now relatively easy to create. This is partly automated by the CMS. With dynamic content, personalized content can generate that speaks directly to the visitor and thus ensures a personal bond. Already known users can be guided to their destination much faster than new visitors whose intentions are still too unclear.

11. Adjust Your Offer to Convert Users into Buyers!

Always think about what you want to achieve and what your target group looks like. If these aspects do not match your offer, the conversion rate will hardly increase, since the users in the lower area of your conversion funnel will not be happy and will therefore not convert. How can you possibly prepare your offer differently? Can you offer added value to your competitor? Sometimes small adjustments in offer is enough to increase the conversion rate.

12. Controlling Through Targeted A / B Analysis and Further Tests

As already described, the optimization of the conversion rate is also a constant process in the Ecommerce area. Target and goals change over time, so your system should adapt to the times. Through targeted testing, for example through A / B tests, you can check, for example, which layout is more appropriate for a landing page. Targeted tests are based on data that has collected. Find pages with particularly high bounce rates and analyse them for your customer journey. If you guess as to what causes the high bounce rate, create a second, optimized variant of the page and test it over a certain period. Document your adjustments so that you can later draw conclusions about the success of the changes and note that that you always focus on one aspect. If there are too many adjustments, your A / B test will also no longer be revealing, since you will no longer be able to understand which changes have improved the conversion rate.

Testing and controlling are a constant cycle. At the beginning of each test, there is an as-is analysis. Where is that standing? What problems do you recognize, what do you want to optimize? Then draw up action plans. How do you want to achieve your (new) goals and with which means or tools do you achieved the goal? Finally, the controlling follows. Did you achieve your goals? If so, set yourself new goals. If you are still reaching your original goals, it is important to analyse why they have not achieved.


Conversion rate optimization in Ecommerce business takes time. Do not act hastily and back up your measures with data to conclude. Be strategic and do not target all multipliers at once. Seek help with adjustments that take up too much time or resources and set yourself small goals. This quickly results in the measurable success that motivates further tests and optimizations.

If you are looking for a Ecommerce Website Development, Shopping Cart Development, Online Store Development and Web Application Development, Please Explore our Ecommerce Solutions! We also provide Ecommerce Website Maintenance Services, Online Store Maintenance Services and Web Application Security Audit. For More Information, Please Visit Our Website Maintenance Services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

How Coronavirus Outbreak is Impacting the E-Commerce and Online Business Sales?

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 28, 2020
Effect of Corona in Ecommerce

While the world is battling the Corona Virus outbreak with its huge health implications, its claim on economy and business has been as widespread. The one thing that is seeing a definite shift in the pandemic is spending priorities.

Amidst these unprecedented changes, there have been voices that have been stating that e-commerce is slated to grow on account of the current conditions. It stands to reason that with a large population homebound with the COVID-19 outbreak, e-commerce is an effective fallback. In fact a bullish scenario states that as customers avoid public places, online divisions of retailers stand to gain.

In the current scenario we have already seen essential supplies such as e-groceries, food and medical supplies see unprecedented sales. In China, for example, restaurants and cinema chains that have seen a massive drop in footfalls, have in fact shared their employees with an e-grocery supermarket to aid delivery services. All of this is perhaps an indicator of the fact that the digital arm of retail businesses, at least those of essential commodities, is likely to show a high rate of growth.

While one needs to see how the economy progresses, the fact is retailers cannot afford to wait and watch. They will need to leverage their assets to inspire demand. For starters that includes boosting their digital marketing efforts. When it comes to e-commerce solutions, in particular, the following short term & long run measures need to be in place:

Short-term measures:

  • Ensure that you have a robust e-commerce and Shopping cart solution in place. If you haven’t already invested in one, it is time to act now.
  • Time and efforts will need to be spent in ensuring that product information is up-to-date and accurate. It is also important to see that products are discoverable through search as also through content marketing. It will help to mark the out-of-stock items clearly so that there is no customer dissonance.
  • Speaking of mitigating customer dissonance, there is a pressing need to ensure fair price marketing and set achievable delivery dates so that you do not land up over-committing yourself.
  • An important aspect to tackle is also how the delivery will be fulfilled especially as people are sensitive to having anyone visit their premises. You need to take adequate precautions to keep the products as well as your people safe.
  • Beyond these business practices, in unprecedented times such as these, it is extremely important to see how you can support the larger community. It could be helping them with essential supplies, setting up a credible donation platform or offer logistical support.

While these are immediate business strategies, in the long term however it may mean a host of changes including pivoting towards new products, newer business models, improved customer engagement and more. E-commerce and digital medium at large will be central to all of this. Emerging digital technologies such as augmented reality or visual search would also come in handy in times such as these.

This, however, is not to discount the fact that supply chain issues and uncertain consumer demand, if the economy falters, are important factors to consider when it comes to the online business sales outlook in the long term. E-commerce businesses may need to contend with issues arising on account of:

  • A faltering economy
  • Supply chain issues
  • Pressure on account of surge in online orders and more.

Businesses will therefore need to:

  • Have a crisis plan in place to adapt to evolving circumstances
  • Relook at their offline-online sales channel mix
  • Focus on social selling rather than push marketing
  • Innovate to make use of emerging opportunities

While these are areas that businesses need to prepare for, overall as a thumb rule, businesses that are flexible and can leverage their digital and e-commerce solutions are likely to emerge stronger in the long run.

Even above their sales channel mixes, businesses need to focus on building genuine long-term relationships with their customers in these times of crisis. In fact, businesses that are able to reinvent themselves to cater to real humans need in this hour of crisis are the ones that are likely to stand the test of time.

Skynet Technologies is a highly experienced and trusted provider of E-Commerce and Shopping Cart Solutions. We have a skilled and dedicated developers having years of expertise in delivering simple to complex online business solution across all the industry domains. We help start-ups, small to medium businesses, enterprises, corporations, web development agencies and firms to grow their business and keep website up-to-date with latest technology trends.

If you are looking for a Ecommerce Website Development, Shopping Cart Development, Online Store Development and Web Application Development, Please Explore our Ecommerce Solutions! We also provide Ecommerce Website Maintenance Services, Online Store Maintenance Services and Web Application Security Audit. For More Information, Please Visit Our Website Maintenance Services!
If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

Top 6 Reasons You Need Ecommerce Website Maintenance Services

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 28, 2020
Ecommerce Website Maintenance

The importance of website maintenance cannot be overstated for just about any business. After all you need to keep the site updated and relevant for visitors to see value as also for search engines to index the site high. When it comes to ecommerce businesses the need for ecommerce website maintenance is further enhanced. After all unlike an informational site, for example, yours is an extremely high traffic site where a bad experience of irrelevant content or a page not loading soon enough can impact the bounce rate and can directly affect revenues.

Here are 6 reasons to undertake regular ecommerce website maintenance services.

  1. Backup data

    A very important aspect of website maintenance particularly for an ecommerce site is do with keeping effective backups. With so much data on the site you simply cannot afford to lose it, should there be a virus attack or hacking or any other such issue. Ecommerce website maintenance services will ensure that latest versions of your site are available as back up so that you can remain stress free about losing any data.

  1. Ecommerce Website Security

    With your business riding on your website, Ecommerce Website Security is of utmost essence. You cannot also afford to jeopardize data of your website visitors, for whom security of the site is of utmost importance. With ecommerce website maintenance packages several hygiene factors will be taken care of. There will be regular scans of the security logs. This is to ensure that suspicious activity, if any, is immediately caught and suitable action taken. Also the maintenance company will ensure that all security patches are updated, plugins and themes, wherever applicable are kept up-to-date.Hackers are known to take advantage of the website’s outdated software as well as security patches and target such sites. There is no way, therefore, that you can open up your website to potential attacks by exposing your vulnerabilities.

  1. Improved rankings

    When you are transacting business through your site, its discoverability makes a whole lot of difference. While you may not associate SEO with website maintenance, the fact is that search bots tend to rank sites that are free of errors and are kept updated, higher. In fact the more the unique content on your website, the rank is boosted. All of this can be efficiently handled by ecommerce website maintenance services.

  1. Bug fixing and speed optimization

    A website riddled with errors and one where pages take a lot of time to load, are a big no-no. This is true from the user perspective as they tend to log off from such sites. From the search engine perspective too, such sites don’t bode well. A website maintenance company can ensure that this is taken care of. It scans the site for any broken links, pages not found etc. Besides it also safeguards against poor loading speed by ensuring:

    • Plugins are updated
    • Cache plugin is installed and speed monitored
    • Images are optimized for size. This is especially true for ecommerce websites where images are an important aspect of display. Yet if images tend to impact the loading speed, the visitor may not remain on the site to see your images no matter how beautiful they are.
  1. Leave you with time to focus on your core business

    Often the mistake that website owners make is that they think that having had the website live, the website maintenance can be handled by them. This logic is flawed on two accounts. First, you may not have the necessary technical know how to ensure that all aspects are taken care of. Secondly, it can take a toll on your time and resources as you may land up not paying enough time and attention to your core area. With effective ecommerce website maintenance packages you can ensure that you hand over the work to a professional, while you can focus your time and energy on areas of your specialization.

  1. Improved brand equity

    With a well maintained website that adds to user delight, you tend to benefit immensely in terms of brand equity. Satisfied customers in turn through word of mouth tend to promote your website to other customers, thereby increasing visitors and sales.To sum up, if yours was an informational business website, even then the importance of website maintenance is immense. However, with a dynamic site such as an ecommerce site, where the visitors are huge in number and where there is a lot of content as well as images, there is no way you cannot invest in an effective web maintenance company which has domain expertise and which can take care of all your requirements. Remember though to choose the right company which has a professional team that has years of experience behind them and has a portfolio of satisfied customers that can stand testimony to their success.

Skynet Technologies is a dedicated Ecommerce Website Maintenance Company offering wide range of custom website maintenance services for WordPress, Drupal and Magento. We have a skilled and dedicated developers having years of expertise in delivering simple to complex website maintenance task across all the industry domains.

Our Ecommerce website maintenance services are available in Nevada, California, Ohio, New York, Michigan, Colorado, Florida, New Jersey, Australia, Germany, France, Switzerland and Worldwide. We help start-ups, small to medium businesses, enterprises, corporations, web development agencies and firms to grow their business and keep website up-to-date with latest technology trends.

Do you need further support in setting up your ecommerce store? We are here for you! We also provide complete ecommerce store management, ecommerce website maintenance services, online store maintenance services and web application security audit. For more information, please visit our Ecommerce Maintenance Services! If you are looking for an ecommerce website development, shopping cart development, online store development and ecommerce store marketing, please explore our Ecommerce Solutions!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

15 Ecommerce Trend That Will Double Your Conversion Rate in 2020

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 28, 2020
Ecommerce Trends

The Ecommerce market is becoming more and more competitive and to stay ahead of the competition, it is important to analyze and adopt the latest eCommerce trend on time. Take advantage of emerging trends in the eCommerce industry to ensure long term success of your eCommerce website.

Here are some of the most important eCommerce trend that will double your conversion rate in 2020.

ecommerce trend 2020

Let us help you to upgrade your eCommerce website and take your business to the next level in 2020.

Skynet Technologies is a specialized custom shopping cart development company, having years of expertise in shopping cart management, shopping module integration, payment gateway integration, order management and other shopping cart featured to enhance your online store visibility and increase sales volume.

We have a team of dedicated developers having in-depth practice knowledge and years of experience in managing simple to complex shopping cart solution efficiently and smoothly.

We provide robust and innovative shopping cart development services to start-ups, small to large businesses, enterprise, corporation, web development agencies, governments and any size of businesses.

Our custom eCommerce shopping cart development services are available in the USA, UK, Europe, Australia, Netherlands and Worldwide.

If you are looking for a Ecommerce Website Development, Shopping Cart Development, Online Store Development and Web Application Development, Please Explore our Ecommerce Solutions! We also provide Ecommerce Website Maintenance Services, Online Store Maintenance Services and Web Application Security Audit. For More Information, Please Visit Our Website Maintenance Services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!