A Comprehensive Guide for B2B and B2C Ecommerce Store to Boost Sales & Performance

By | Date posted: | Last updated: January 27, 2021
b2b b2c ecommerce

This guide sheds light on the importance of an ecommerce store for medium-sized companies. Every middle-class decision maker comes to the point of considering whether and in what form an ecommerce can be used.

This is exactly where we would like to help you. We have over 19 years of experience in the planning, implementation, support and solution of ecommerce and would like to share this blog with you. This comprehensive guide is intended to provide a brief insight and possibly aimed particularly at B2B and B2C companies.

Customer acquisition plays a central role in every company. As a decision-maker, you strive to establish ways to attract customers. The focus is on the lowest possible cost per customer. But at the same time reaching customers who mean high sales / profits. Another major factor is the reduction in process costs and, at the same time, increased process reliability. Ideally, all this with the aim of customer orientation. Cheaper, faster and better sales for the customer. These are roughly the goals of an ecommerce store.

It is no secret that digitization and especially an ecommerce central importance. Ecommerce means of communication that are comparable to letters, telephones, faxes and e-mails. Something is completely turned upside down or massive new opportunities arise that were never there before.

Do you think you are reading this guide for exactly this reason? Then, you are exactly at right place.

Why does a medium-sized company need an ecommerce store?

Fully Automatic Customer Acquisition

At first that sounds like a marketing lie, but it is 100% the truth. An ecommerce store is the central tool to reach new customers online. Ecommerce is not even primarily about sales. The first step is to show what the company can and does at all. This alone gives potential new customers a much better insight into the product / service range than any exhibition stands, flyer or similar could achieve. Videos, flyers, info texts, product images, inquiry tools, configurators, simulators but also virtual reality and more. Those interested can find all of this 24/7 in the ecommerce.

The potential customer enters your ecommerce store voluntarily and can look around, inform, ask things or possibly order things directly. It depends on how well the ecommerce has been planned and implemented. The easier the transition from “clicking” the page to the request / call, the more efficient this new customer sales works. Nobody forces or annoys the customer to look around the ecommerce store. The prospect is completely voluntary there because they are looking for or need something.

Reduce Process Costs of Ecommerce Store

An ecommerce is ideal for reducing process costs. Instead of cumbersome processing of recurring orders by field service, office staff, e-mail or even fax / telephone, it is understandable that it is also digital. Existing customers can quickly and easily submit recurring orders via the ecommerce.

The internal process has time to take care & reduce processing; and can create individual offers there, provide extensive advice and simply invest better time.

Enhanced Process Reliability through Fewer transmission errors of Ecommerce store

This in turn leads to an improvement in process reliability. There are no manually entered orders, information copied from emails or similar incorrect procedures. The customer himself states in the ecommerce what he wants to order, sees the order, confirms it and then the processing continues.

The case that a customer claims he has ordered ABC 5 pieces but ABC 4 pieces are no longer available. It is 100% documented and visible what exactly the customer ordered when and whether / what may have gone wrong internally or not. This eliminates many unnecessary discussions due to transmission errors or misunderstandings.

Sales Force Receives More Valuable Prospects or Existing Customers

The field staff and their success rates also benefit! The field service receives qualified leads! Customers are already informed in detail about the offer via the ecommerce. Ideally, they have already made a very precise request. After an initial validation of the potential customer, the customer can now receive targeted advice.

The sales representative gets a customer on the silver tray! Instead of having to bother customers, the sales force has interested parties / customers who are already very interested in the offers and “only” have to be advised.

Online Store becomes the Central Tool / Platform for Customer Communication

The ecommerce store serves as a central tool in working with and for the customer. The back office, field service, at trade fairs or in the case of spontaneous contacts / calls can always be referred to the ecommerce store. The customer, prospective customer or applicant can view the products / services quickly and easily.

If the ecommerce has been done well, it will continue from there with info flyers, inquiry tools and similar things. The ecommerce is simply a practical universal tool that finds its place in daily contact with the customer.

Customer-Oriented Action becomes more than just a Phrase

Another elementary point is the chance to provide seamless customer-oriented actions. Everyone in marketing knows that customers are just people or decision-makers are used to shopping on Amazon and other online stores.

Of course, they also expect this in the B2B environment. Everyone knows the situation of positive surprise. You are looking for something and after a short search via Google you are already on a super informative page. This explains exactly what is needed in the situation. A few clicks away, for example, a required spare part is ordered. We are happy that everything went so well. Then we are happy when it is delivered and probably every time we become aware of it again. But it is a normal behaviour in private life.

Why is this not often the case in business? Why do your customers have to make calls through the area until they receive a positive surprise from you by telephone? In the “worst” case, customers tell you that they have been doing this for months? Years? after exactly what you offer! Wouldn’t it be fantastic if these customers would contact you directly after a short search via Google? How much would the inquiries increase if interested parties knew immediately that you actually exist? And that they immediately know what you can really do? What would it be like if this were the case in your company?

As you have probably already noticed, this is nothing less than a completely different way of thinking than the classic (and yes outdated) product-oriented marketing. An online store is about real “customer-oriented marketing”. Ideally, this initiates a complete change of marketing one.

Establishment of Pull Marketing in Online Store

A central point of pull marketing is usually search engine optimization. This allows top placements on Google for the topics relevant to your customers. The whole thing is easier than you think! You just have to adhere to different rules and behaviours and your visibility increases extremely with Google. Requests that you did not expect will become normal.
With all these measures, the customer continues to qualify himself. He turns from the prospect to the contact until he becomes a customer or regular customer. Ideally, a customer is advertising other customers. However, the need for this requires the necessary attitude and mind-set! And the online store is an ideal basis to establish this way of thinking in small steps. The experience can be transferred to your own B2B business.

The Competition Doesn’t Sleep!

The final factor is simply that the competition doesn’t sleep. Nobody can oversleep digitization. Everyone knows that there is digitization. Anyone who overlooked it however, is not actively acting. This is a deadly mistake for your own company and will not make a decision.

Instead of asking the customer about one, one would be forced to issue absurd prices for mail, address data, trade fairs and more. It’s all about surviving financially because customer requests go down.

The reason is that the competition doesn’t sleep, of course! Competitors are constantly working on their own digitization. Direct mail and trade fairs are less and less successful.

The difficulties with ecommerce store for medium-sized companies

As per throughout research, we have been able to get to know a wide variety of companies know the challenges. In the mid-size business, there are major chances of a lot of wild growth.

There are chaotic price structures where nobody really sees through or only the company itself. Various invoice discounts in combination with customer discounts but of course only on certain products.

So, there is complete chaos due to the fact that highly individual prices and conditions were negotiated with customers. This chaos has to be brought to an ecommerce store.

What is the first step to the ecommerce store? – Minimum Viable Products (MVP)

An online marketing advice plan do check for acting start small! Validate what is going well / badly and expand it in the next small step! Every business has internalized this procedure and it is exactly the same here. Under no circumstances invest huge amounts only to notice that the functions were no prospect or customer uses it.

Then you can consider how an ecommerce store should be used in this complex and with which goals. As soon as there is a rough idea, you can start planning further.

The goal should be to have a concept of what the first version of the ecommerce store should be in order to still be functional with minimal functions. The goal is therefore the implementation of a pilot project or the buzzword “Minimum Viable Product (MVP)”. Both are simply about starting as small as possible, but directly involving real customers. Then you can immediately see what is going well / where and what needs to be readjusted.

Of course, there will be a massive need for adjustments and extensions. These can then be prioritized and the next slip of adjustments / extensions goes online. A new validation and it goes on.

Things including UI/UX design is simple and come to the very end. The design is just the design, of course it has to reflect the company image etc. But it doesn’t help if an ecommerce store fits from the design to the company but was planned so miserably that no new customer was recruited.

If you are looking for marketing opportunities for your existing ecommerce store or want to create a new ecommerce store or require any type of ecommerce solutions, Please explore our ecommerce solutions! We also provide ecommerce website maintenance services, online store maintenance services and more. For more information, Please visit our website maintenance services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

Top Magento SEO Metrics to Boost the Performance of Ecommerce Store

By | Date posted: | Last updated: April 20, 2021
Magento Ecommerce Store

The ongoing support of a Magento Ecommerce Store divided into different areas. It is necessary to look at all areas to position the ecommerce in the best possible way.

Using various tools such as the Google webmaster tool, certain areas of the ecommerce need to monitored continuously. As soon as there are irregularities, it is necessary to investigate them and take appropriate measures.

Magento SEO guide for your Magento Ecommerce Store:

Report and Fix Crawling Errors

One point is the ongoing evaluation of the google webmaster tool about crawling errors. So, problems with URLs can easily identify. When you initially examine your crawl errors report, you may see tons of and thousands of crawl errors from manner back once. it’ll be arduous for you to search out your manner through these long lists of errors.

Here you can find information on how to fix the 502-crawl error?

502 bad gateways that may be a temporary error and to mend 502 bad error trip all you would like to try and to fix for 502 bad gateways is below:

  • Strive to reload the page if you can’t connect with the server and watch for five to ten minutes the page gets fresh and it gets connected.
  • Clear Browsing information can assist you to fix 502 bad error timeout error with chrome browser and alternative browsers similarly can fix this issue.
  • Check if you’re having any DNS server issues with the web site and any firewalls blocks.
  • Restart your router or any networking modem and turn off and activate restart everything.
  • Contact ISP provider if 502 errors doesn’t fix, hence it might your ISP has a networking issue.

Tracking Keyword Position of Your ecommerce website

Tracking is about focusing on the most important keywords. These are usually a handful of keywords that you can remember or easily check. The number of keywords also belongs to it. This is important to determine whether the longtail keywords are also rising/falling.

Keep track of Clicks and Impressions

It is important to monitor clicks and impressions. Here the interpretation of the numbers is important. If, for example, the season is off or no season at all, the impressions and thus clicks can drop massively.

If everything goes according to plan, most keywords should increase continuously, which leads to an increase in impression and thus more clicks. But it can also be that the season is not and the impression drops and only the clicks increase. Even when everything is fine. However, when the clicks drop, something goes wrong that you should take a closer look.

Powerful Backlinks

Backlinks are links from one web site to a page on another web site. Google and alternative major search engines consider backlinks as a ranking factor for a particular page. Pages with a high range of backlinks tend to possess high organic program rankings. In the past, backlinks were the main metric for the ranking of a webpage. A page with tons of backlinks cared-for rank higher on all major search engines, as well as Google. However, Backlinks depend on how often you are linked.

Monitor Conversion Rates

First of all, there are different conversion rates. Not just closing the sale. It is necessary to continuously monitor conversion rates. It is about the key figures which you have defined yourself. If there is a newsletter, the newsletter registrations should monitor when creating new landing pages, the conversion rate of these pages etc. But of course, also the general conversion rate of the ecommerce in relation to sales. Check out the complete guide on Boost Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization!.

PPC Campaign

If AdWords is used for PPC campaigns, depending on the budget/importance, an analysis require here based on the business target. You have to monitor the keywords. Must throw out the unprofitable keywords based on conversion rates. Must constantly compare ads, the best as a basis for more, Find the best keywords directly from keyword research tools and see which keywords clicked on frequently. These, in turn, should be allowed to flow into SEO measures.

Other Important Areas of SEO

Many of areas are not listed here but they are also still very important. This includes technical factors such as the loading times of the website, the response times and other technical indicators. If the server has a problem, this is not good for performance of your website and therefore the ranking drops.

Another area is usability. If there are massive problems there, this will also affect SEO performance after some time. Visitors do not like the ecommerce store and therefore no backlinks are set.

Do you require SEO Services?

Skyrocket Your Business Sales, Revenue & Increase Customer Reach Nationally & Internationally! If you are looking for Search Engine Optimization Services, Social Media Marketing Services, Digital Marketing Services, PPC Campaign Management Services and more, Please Explore our SEO Services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

Omnichannel Ecommerce Marketing Strategies – Provide Seamless User Experience for your Brand!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
Omnichannel Ecommerce Marketing

Multichannel, cross channel, omnichannel or no-line commerce? These and other trade terms confuse the increasingly complex brand management. In the course of digital change, companies have to re-sort their offline genome: Communication processes become digital and affect almost all areas of our lives. At the same time, society is developing that is almost always online and can be at any time. The consumer world of experience spans more and more points of contact with a company. Each contact point shapes the brand perception and ultimately influences the level of satisfaction of the consumer. You should, therefore, adopt the online communication strategy within the various sales channels to the changed needs of your customers: The various points of contact call for experiences. A challenge? – We consider this development much more than an enormous opportunity!

Physical and Digital Transformation Journey

Many consumers inform themselves in advance on the Internet, compare prices and search for detailed product information before they then buy the goods in the stationary shop. Via the website, the app, the newsletter, blog or the social media presence, the customer begins to get an impression of the brand or the product. On the other hand, many customers first find out about certain items in the store, try out products or get advice so that they can later be ordered on the couch at home using the tablet. Modern customers consume and get information everywhere: in the store, on the web and on the go – exactly where it suits them. Naturally and unconsciously, the consumer alternates between online and offline – old channel silos are broken up. During digital shopping journey, the user should be picked up at each touchpoint in a uniform manner and tailored to needs. The digital change and the technical possibilities raise customer demands enormously. Multichannel has ushered in the Revolution of the multi-channel strategy, omnichannel marketing exceeds the parallel product sales via several retail channels: Here, customer communication and the sales process take place across channels, to offer the end-user (s) a uniform, constant and customer-centred brand experience. The digital transformation, therefore, means one thing above all: Towards your customers and their needs! The information and purchase needs of your customers should, therefore, be recognized and served directly. What does that mean for you in the first step? – You have to Rethink!

Channel-Independent Customer journey

Neither consciously choose a specific sales channel when obtaining product information nor when buying. Throughout customer entire journey, the customer is channel-independent, consumes the content that suits to user best and, depending on user situation, decides at which points of contact shopping process should begin and end. The modern consumer knows best what customer likes and what he needs. Your job is to provide a solution with the right information to the customer, who will immediately recognize and fulfil interests – both online and offline? The focus of your communication strategy is no longer the product and the services, but the customer itself – as individually and personally as possible.

Experience the Omnichannel Ecommerce Culture and Strategize it!

For a successful implementation of a customer-centred communication approach, the boundaries between online and offline must merge: Implementing cross-channel communication strategies affect all areas of the company and must work in the digital world as well as in shops. Companies should therefore not only give the modern consumer the great possible flexibility but also offer their customers real-time interaction throughout the entire purchasing process. For many employees in brick-and-mortar retail, this accompanied by an enormous change: supplying parcels that can be collect (customers reserve or buy online and then collect their goods in a shop), process online orders from customers, order products that are not in stock in the online shop or answer questions about the online-offline service. For many employees, the internal move-in of digitization also means that strong competition felt to becoming in-store: they see omnichannel consumers and digitization as a threat to their employment. This could lead to a half-hearted occupation with the new service offerings and extensions in brick-and-mortar retail – a negative touchpoint arises. To prevent this, the employees in brick-and-mortar retail should be taken with them from the start: every employee should know that it forms one of many crucial points of contact on the customer journey of the discerning consumer. The customer wants to “experience” the product through brand approach and loyalty via different touchpoints: User expects individual information depending on usage situation.

Individual Shopping Experience – The way to the customer!

In the course of the digital transformation, your company can win if you adapt to the changed buying behaviour of your customers through the new technologies, no matter where they are. In the B2B area, in particular, you can increase your loyalty and sales with consistent, relevant and personalized customer experience. The individual shopping experience also represents a great opportunity for retailers: the customer who visits the brick-and-mortar store wants exactly what the customer may also miss online: personal advice, customer-oriented service, clear (haptic) product selection and an individual, pleasant shopping experience! How can this look in practice? The “digital changing room” is one of many examples that illustrate the new possibilities of the Omni world: These Omni changing rooms scan and recognize the registered customer as soon as they enter the shop. The customer has placed their goods in the digital shopping cart in the online store and can then try on their desired products immediately. The shop becomes a real “showroom”, in which products can be presented individually and tested by the customer. During the purchase in the store, the Omni shopper is then offered various delivery options. One of the many excellent options for interacting with the customer in real-time and individually addressing customer’s needs, which already identified on other different channels. The customer feels personally “picked up”, was able to deal flexibly with the product and the brand online and offline, saving time and effort across channels. By using location functions and personal data (for customers who allow this service), the modern consumer can be individually informed about offers that might be of interest to the customer at a certain time in a certain place. What remains is a positive brand experience that will influence consumers as they continue to work with the brand through customer reviews or recommendations.

Communication with Customer

As a result of the digital transformation, the retail sector shaped by a multitude of upheavals to which it must adapt its communication strategies. The Ecommerce industry is not exempt from these changes: whether the shopping cart filled and paid for at the end of the customer journey, it depends on the individual experiences during the customer journey. These have an impact on customer satisfaction – and that applies across industries! At every touchpoint, your target group has different information needs, which should be covered with consistent messages in line with the channel and depending on the usage situation. Communicating the same content across all channels no longer works: the “one-size-fits-all” phenomenon has had its day.

Touch points – Omnichannel Ecommerce Marketing

The modern shopping experience takes place everywhere! An interaction between employee and customer in the shop, a call to your customer hotline, getting to know your products during a trade fair or researching your website: the customer wants to deal intensively with your product, not the channel. Customer is looking for a stimulating, pleasant and needs-based brand experience. The different points of contact are accessible to your customers at any time and influence the subjective experience of the customer about your brand. Often it is also “small things” that make touchpoints a positive brand experience: the consumer who, for example, communicates negative user experience to the hotline employee and the hotline employee confronts the user with understanding, time-consuming and with compensation, can strengthen customer loyalty – despite previous negative intent. Both a responsive website and the website with optimal usability are among those crucial experiences that influence the overall result.

So, what is important at the end of the customer journey? The sum of the different experiences of the customer at each of your touchpoints.

Create an individual brand experience at every point of contact – their sum ultimately influences the purchase decision and assessment (recommendation) of your products.


Connect quality instead of quantity: Use the sales channels that suit you and your target group. It’s not about being represented everywhere, but where your customers are.

Omnipresent: Show, for example, your products and prices in all your channels in a uniform and complementary manner in order to be able to offer your customers seamless shopping experience and to avoid confusion

Utility Dependency: Do not tell your customer which channels to use and where to communicate – your customer finds best what they want to do, where they want and what they want. And there you have to be and use the strengths of each channel in order to optimally convey your content to the consumer.

Individual and Personal: Use customer data to develop a personalized shopping experience for the individual consumer and to be able to convey individual content to customer at every point of contact. create a personal brand experience for your customer!

Information-Oriented: Customers demand ever more precise information. In addition to detailed information about the product, factors such as price comparison, inventory or origin are also indispensable sources of information. At the same time, the quality of business advice should also be improved offline.

If you are looking for omnichannel ecommerce solutions, omnichannel ecommerce marketing, multichannel ecommerce solution, ecommerce website development, shopping cart development, online store development and more, Please explore our ecommerce solutions! We also provide ecommerce website maintenance services, online store maintenance services and more. For more information, Please visit our website maintenance services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration: A Proactive Opportunity to Boost Online Store Performance!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
Magento Migration

Most online shop developers are probably already familiar with this: from June 2020 there will be no support for older Magento versions. But what exactly does that mean for online shop developers & how can the migration from Magento 1 to 2 become a great opportunity?

“Older Magento versions” – which version meant? Magento Commerce 1.x, Magento Open Source 1 and older Magento Commerce 2 versions exactly mean here. The deadlines for the different versions are different: for some versions, there will still be quality and security updates until June 2020, but for some, there will only be security updates. To continue operating an online shop, migration from Magento 1 to 2 is necessary. Migration from Magento 1 to 2 is a bit more complicated, but with the appropriate experience, it is not a problem. The update to Magento 2 requires complex replatforming and is therefore not the same as a simple update. To carry out the update, the Magento 2 is first set up. Then all data such as extensions and themes of the old system are migrated and adjusted. This can take a long time since individual optimizations often have to be carried out.

Magento Migration Benefits

The basic version for Magento 2 has complete revised. Many functions have been newly implemented, such as the full-page cache for a better ranking in Google, interfaces for faster digitization or the mobile-optimized display of the shop.

Replatforming thus offers the chance of a complete relaunch of your ecommerce website or online store including the adaptation of the web design and the addition of new features. In this way, the online shop can optimally adapt to the latest online standards. The update to Magento 2 is not only necessary but also an opportunity for your ecommerce business. So, lose the fear of the update and see it as a start-up aid for better performance, because other Magento shop operators also use your chance to improve the market position through the updated system.

Tips for Sequential Magento Migration:

First of all, the status of the ecommerce website or online store should be analysed. To do this, use all the tools available to you. The Magento Reports can be used to check, for example, which products were bought most frequently, what users frequently search for in the system or which products were poorly accepted by customers. Take the opportunity to check the server monitoring at this point: How does the online shop perform under high load? Are there any peaks in utilization?

Web analytics service tools such as Google Analytics provide information about where visitors come from and how they interact on the system. Analyse your target group. Find out what your customers are looking for and use it as a guide. Are there features that your visitors might miss? Is your offer tailored to your target group? Can you make the buying experience easier and simpler? Can you improve the user experience and optimize usability? Use the update to stand out from the competition in the course of the necessary migration.

Replatforming of the Old Magento 1 Store

Since the migration of the entire online shop to the new system is very complex, it makes sense to prioritize the steps in advance. Which functions have to be implemented in any case because they are indispensable for the online shop? Two factors should be considered here. On the one hand the business value of the individual features and on the other hand the cost-of-delay – how much does a feature cost if it only appears on the new system later or not at all? With these two factors in mind, you should consider which functionalities need to be prioritized. Then the replatforming can be implemented agile and gradually in project sections efficiently.

In addition to the various features and extensions, all important data must of course also be transferred to the new system. In addition to product information, possible download files and the like, customer data should of course also be considered here. The customer accounts including the passwords are essential so that customers can find themselves in the new shop and continue to use it normally. Pages indexed on Google should be found under the same URL. If the URL structure changes, URL rewrites must be set up in order not to lose any traffic.

The 10 Point Plan for A Successful Migration

  • Analysis of the current situation
  • The choice of the service provider
  • Development of the migration plan (strategy, optimizations, extensions)
    • Do you want to integrate a new payment provider?
    • Would you like to change the structure of your online shop or optimize the user-friendliness?
    • Would you like a facelift or a new individual web design?
    • Which functions come first and which functions need to be reconsidered and revised?
  • Backup of the existing database (product data, customer data, etc.)
  • Transfer of data to the new system
  • Implementation of additional functions and extensions
  • Adaptation of the design through standard themes or an individual web design
  • Frontend development of the new design
  • Testing the new system (SEO traps, data structure, functionalities)
  • Go Live.

Quick Shot to Improve Performance of Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration

So, there is a lot to think about when moving from Magento 1 to Magento 2. Since a one-to-one transfer of the data cannot take place, a corresponding time must be scheduled for the move. With test phases, prior analysis and planning, such an undertaking can take 6 months. If your shop also needs to be migrated to Magento 2, you have to start quickly, because support for Magento 1 is only a few months away. Experienced service providers are a great help here, because they ensure that everything works smoothly when the new shop is launched.

Do you have questions about the migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2 or do you need support with your e-commerce project? Feel Free to Contact Us and get to know us.

If you are looking for magento 2 migration, magento replatforming, magento ecommerce solutions and more, Please explore our magento ecommerce services! We also provide magento website maintenance services, magento store maintenance and magento store upgrades services. For more information, Please visit our magento maintenance services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!