How to do Keyword Research for SEO? Ultimate Guide for Best Keyword Research Tools to Boost Organic Traffic!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 28, 2020
SEO Keyword Research

Anyone who is looking for their requirements – nowadays with the help of Google, Bing and Co. Countless search results follow a search query. But only the first results are relevant for a large number of searchers.

There are few factors to consider to ensure long-term success in the ecommerce industry. This also includes search engine marketing, within which keyword research plays an elementary role.

Important background information

More than 80 percent of people use various search engines to search for products or services. With a market share of 87.35 percent, Google leaves its competitors behind and remains the most used search engine worldwide. Only 60% of all organic clicks attributable to the first position of the search results list and the click probability varies with the unused terminal device (desktop, smartphone, tablet) hardly.

Ecommerce operators, entrepreneurs and other online business providers are therefore faced with the challenge of being displayed at the top of search engine results. This is the only way they have a chance to be considered by potential customers.

Good Ranking in the Search Engine Ranking

In order to achieve a good ranking in the search engine ranking, several factors have to be considered:

  • Definition of the keywords
  • One Page – One Keyword
  • Informational content with at least 300 words
  • Optimization of the images used
  • Use of bullets, tables and numbering
  • Set meaningful links
  • Definition of a suitable URL (search engine and user friendly)
  • Use of online tools for search engine optimization (Google Ads)

From now on, keyword research will be the focus of the article.

What is keyword research and what are the benefits?

The keyword research – or Keyword Analysis – situated within the search engine marketing is a very important component is referred to the search for essential keywords to optimize with the aim of a landing page or an entire domain.

With the help of the keyword analysis, online store operators can find out which keywords potential customers enter in the respective search engines in order to search for solutions, goods or services.

In addition to keyword research, other SEO measures are necessary for success in the digital world. but keyword research is at the beginning of every On-Page optimization (content-structural and technical optimization of a website). It gives you the opportunity to get to know your target group better, to understand them and to reach them at all.

Keywords help to be found by the desired target group and to increase the traffic on your own website / ecommerce immensely. However, keywords only make sense if they match the expected traffic, the strength of the competition and the search volume.

The Best Keyword Research Tools

Search engine optimization usually goes hand in hand with extensive data sets, so it is worth using certain research tools.

The following tools can be used to find suitable keywords for a domain or website. In addition, they provide data sets such as the search volume or the keyword combination of the competition.

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends
  • Google Suggest
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Ads

Google Keyword Planner

The keyword planner from Google has already established itself in search engine marketing (SEO). This tool not only suggests new and suitable keywords, but also gives you the monthly search volume.

The search volume can be used to prioritize which keywords are most suitable for optimization measures. Both search terms and websites can be entered for analysis purposes. A free Google Ads account is required to use the Keyword Planner.

Google Trends

As the name suggests, this is also a Google tool. Google Trends shows the number of search terms actually entered over time and puts them in relation to the total search volume. Trendy searches from different countries and cities are mapped by Google Trends. The results can be sorted by country, city and time period.

There is also the option of selecting categories suitable for the keyword and restricting them to image searches, Google Shopping, YouTube videos or news searches.

Google Suggest

Autocomplete, as Google Suggest is also called, is a function of the Google search engine that provides users with suggestions for completing the search query as soon as they type. Google Suggest can be easily used during normal Google searches.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console promises better performance in Google search. This is also a free analysis and service tool from Google. With the help of Google Search Console, statistics can be viewed as well as numerous website settings and various optimization.

In addition, Google Search Console provides information about impressions in Google search, CTR (clickthrough rate) and the average position of the keyword.

The viewable data on certain keywords, which has already achieved impressions for your page in Google search, can create new, well-ranked combinations that have not yet been considered.

A valid Google account is also required for Google Search Console. Only then can the page in question be registered and verified by the owner. Alternatively, the website can be verified using a Google Analytics account. GSC (Google Search Console) is an excellent addition to Google Analytics.

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords)

Google’s advertising program enables advertisers to conduct search engine marketing. Google search results appear in small text ads and point to your website.


Optimal keyword research takes time, but is easier to implement with the right tools than it may seem at first glance. The keyword research is essential for the on-page optimization and one of the most important foundations for all other SEO measures.

If you are looking for Content Marketing Strategies, Search Engine Optimization Services, Social Media Marketing Services, Digital Marketing Services, PPC Campaign Management Services and more, Please Explore our SEO Services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

Is it Worth to Invest in Content Marketing? How it can be the Best Long-Term Marketing Strategy?

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 28, 2020
Content Marketing

Content Marketing promotes Rewarding Customer Relations

Traditional marketing activities and advertising strategies are characterized by short-term effects on business success. Rewarding customer relationships require more than advertising. Content marketing as a long-term marketing strategy is the answer.

Over the long term, traditional marketing is unprofitable!

Recipients of direct mailing campaigns are activated on average with a single-digit, rarely double-digit conversion rate. Success is often not measured at all and in most cases, this means that only a manageable number of interested parties are generated.

An offer or product campaign is completed with the shipping. A lack of resources and leads to inadequate evaluation and tracking of the campaign results, while the next direct mailing is already being extensively revised. This is expensive and unprofitable in the long term.

Print ads and billboards can work successfully for a few months, while the advertising impact naturally declines. Follow-up campaigns must be developed in order to continuously set new impulses. This makes sense for brand-building campaigns in high-reach media, but rarely for new customer acquisition.

Of course, the approach is fundamentally not wrong, especially if it is possible to achieve a positive advertising effect that pays off for the business.

Online advertising generates expensive wastage

If we want to be successful in digital marketing in the long term, we need a marketing strategy with sustained traction. Marketing activities, such as digital advertising in search engines and social networks, can contribute to visitor traffic and are often associated with expensive “wastage”. It is not uncommon for there to be a misunderstanding, because not every visitor is a potential customer.

A major disadvantage of the marketing measures mentioned, they cannot build a worthwhile business relationship with prospects and customers. A long-term content marketing strategy that is oriented towards the interests of buyers and thus contributes to business success is more sustainable and cost-effective.

Roll of Content in digital marketing

First of all, it is important to understand that content is an elementary part of every other – in this case non-commercial – digital marketing strategy. Especially with the goal of increasing customer and sales growth through lead generation, lead nurturing and conversion optimization.

Content marketing is therefore a key component for all inbound marketing measures in SEO, social media, email and marketing automation. We combine the individual Digital marketing activities into a holistic inbound marketing strategy.

Positive effects of content marketing

In search engine optimization, content contributes to upgrading your own website by increasing Google Domain authority. Content serves as the basis for direct and email marketing campaigns and can multiply the number of newsletter subscribers. Landing pages and sub-pages of your own website, for example for lead generation, gain in value.

Guest posts and external content can promote rewarding relationships and collaborations with online brands and experts.

Content is most effective for attracting website traffic

1. Content is most effective for attracting website traffic

Posting guest posts or blog posts on your website increases the likelihood of being found and attracting interested visitors. You can increase the effect by linking your blog content to other blog posts in order to keep the visitor on your own website.

Build a reputation through content marketing

2. Build a reputation through content marketing

The more often your content is viewed and used, the more likely you will be perceived and remembered as a brand. This promotes your reputation as a competent contact in your business area.

Content promotes credibility and trust

3. Content promotes credibility and trust

When a visitor comes to your website, credible content can create trust in your company, as long as the content is reliable, helpful and attractive.

Using Product Content to Boost Conversions

4. Using Product Content to Boost Conversions

Assuming the blog post is attractive and well written, a call-to-action element placed in the content can encourage direct lead conversion. It is sensible to ensure that the call-to-action is directly related to the content and visitor intentions.

Content promotes business growth

5. Content promotes business growth

If your content is strong enough, use it specifically for relationship-building offers, whether as an e-book, white paper, infographics or in webinars.

Effective Content Strategies That Last Forever

Let’s call it “evergreen content” because its durability rarely expires. Trends, news and other forms of current content attract many visitors at short notice, timeless topic content is permanently useful and relevant. They guarantee a steady stream of visitors and interested parties.

General knowledge, specialist knowledge, tips and advice are asked for almost all topics at any time. Of course, the multimedia and interactive formats are constantly evolving as technology advances. Relevant content retains lasting value and is a worthwhile long-term investment.

Each content is a permanent added value

As long as you do not remove your blog posts or change their Internet address, each publication contributes permanently to the valuable inventory of the website. Even if you have no influence on your guest posts, each blog post and content is indexed by Google with its own URL and can therefore be found in the organic search results.

Impact of Content Marketing

Content marketing has a fundamental advantage. Each new content increases the existing inventory and works as long as it is relevant and offers added value. The total of all content grows steadily and pays for more visibility, interest and reputation with every new piece.

Let’s say you publish once a week. They publish 55 blog posts and premium content in the first year, 55 content in the second year, whereby the special content achieves a specific result for itself.

In addition, the result is increased many times over. While 55 contents fuel the marketing machine in the first year, there are already 110 individual contents in the second year that build on each other and work together.

The investment is therefore profitable in the long term if every new content brings effective results. This lowers the costs for every new visitor, lead and new customer.

Evolution of Content Marketing

New technologies and trends are constantly changing marketing as we know it. The formats and functions of content will adapt to market conditions, technical possibilities and user needs and develop further.

Two examples: The popularity of moving pictures begins to overtake the written word. For some unnoticed, search engine optimization has continued to evolve, from a purely technical keyword to a semantic, long-tail keyword search. Google wants to ensure that the search results with the best content are preferred, which offer the greatest added value for the user.

Modern marketing is based more on content and less on advertising. Content is becoming more and more relevant to marketing because it shapes the relationships between companies and buyers. Nevertheless, content marketing is subject to constant change, namely how we will produce and distribute content in the future, how we will present it and make it available to users.

Content marketing cannot be postponed

Content marketing is both a necessary and long-term strategy. For companies and decision-makers, this does not mean that content marketing can be postponed for an indefinite future.

The advantage over the competition is a decisive advantage here. A simple content strategy can still be established quickly and easily.

What to take with you?

The earlier you start; the sooner you will see first successes. Go step by step to develop and implement a content strategy, learn from it and get better. If you don’t currently have a content strategy, now is the right time to start. Whether as an independent marketing tactic or the backbone of your inbound marketing strategy, you will be happy to have made up your mind.

If you are looking for Content Marketing Strategies, Search Engine Optimization Services, Social Media Marketing Services, Digital Marketing Services, PPC Campaign Management Services and more, Please Explore our SEO Services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

Website Optimization Checkpoints – 10 Tips to Boost the Homepage of your Website

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 28, 2020
Website Optimization

In the following, we clarify why not only the content but also the design of the homepage and especially the homepage is so important.
It rumoured that home pages are losing importance due to modern search engine optimization (SEO). With the help of SEO, users land directly on a subpage that corresponds to their search intent. As a rule, you can still get to the home page with a second click. This disproves this rumour and shows how important a good home page is. The home page is what a potential customer, applicant or business partner sees. It acts as a figurehead and advertising flyer and is significantly involved in what impression the user gets. The decision of whether a website appears attractive, informative and trustworthy is made within a few seconds.

The first impression must, therefore, be convincing and encourage further use. Here are some tips:

1. Describe goal

Since the first impression is crucial, it must be clear right at the beginning which brand or company it is and which products, services or information are offers. That is why the presentation of your logo with a short explanation is particularly important. Suitable positions for this are at the top left or in the middle, where the gaze, according to reading habits, goes first.

2. Focus on Search field & navigation

When entering a search query, there is often a deliberate intention to buy. The provision of search fields enables the user to quickly and easily search the website. Search fields are particularly useful for online shops. It is important that the search field recognizable as such at first glance through the input field and button. Intuitive and clear navigation on the start page is just as important. It gives the visitor an overview and knows where he is on the website. Too many points in the navigation are therefore disadvantageous.

3. Represent Seriousness & Create Trust

Not all websites on the Internet have positive intentions and are therefore avoided by users as far as possible. In order to stand out clearly from such dubious sites for customers, references, certificates, seals of approval or customer reviews should find on the home page. In this way, a brand conveys credibility and authenticity and creates trust among users. Furthermore, care should be taken when designing that no flashing elements or pop-ups are used. The placement of third-party advertising, spelling mistakes and direct forwarding to another domain also appear dubious. Content overloading and dubious promises should also be avoided. Connections to well-known brands or organizations, but also modern design with current content, support credibility. Stay with your corporate design to generate a uniform and serious appearance.

4. Constructing the content and design for target groups

A good homepage should arouse sympathy among users. The prerequisite for this is to know your persona. Both the design and the address must tailor to the target group. This way feels understood in their needs and ideas and picked up by the brand. For all target groups, it is important, for example, not to overwhelm the eye of the beholder and not to use more than three fonts.

5. Unique selling point

The unique selling point should emphasize the unique benefit of your product or your performance compared to the competition and is considered a sales promise of your offer. You should know your target group and put their needs in the foreground. A USP, therefore, represents a clear competitive advantage and encourages consumers to buy.

6. Call to Action (CTA)

Your homepage should not only offer products or services but also invite you to use them. A call-to-action is a direct request to the visitor to perform a specific action. The wording of the call-to-action must not be too intrusive. According to the perception of the CTA, the message should trigger the necessary impetus so that users can do something in particular. They also serve to orient visitors and create additional trust in your company and your products.

7. Contact details & imprint

If the start page is successful, contact details and an imprint should also be visible. On the one hand to be able to make contact and on the other hand to strengthen the seriousness.

8. Keep Updating

Not only the design should be up to date, but also the content. If a company has new products or other news, this should show on the home page. That keeps the website alive returning visitors can always discover something new.

9. Above the fold

Modern websites are usually longer and rely on one-pages, so you have to scroll down to see all the content. “Above the fold” means the part of a website that is shown directly to the user without scrolling. So, this area is noticed first and is therefore so important. As already explained, a homepage is at least the second thing is a visitor encounter. Therefore, the above-the-fold section on the homepage must be particularly convincing. The most important elements should show here and curiosity generated.

10. Functionally sound

Designing good start pages is not just a purely creative process, the technical process should also run smoothly. It is important that a good homepage works properly and regardless of the device. The optimization of mobile devices should not be missing. Furthermore, the duration of the charging time must be taken into account. If charging takes too long, users could jump off in today’s fast-paced world.

We would also be happy to support you personally in optimizing your homepage. If you are looking for Search Engine Optimization Services, Social Media Marketing Services, Digital Marketing Services, PPC Campaign Management Services and more, Please Explore our SEO Services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

Top SEO and Digital Marketing Trends to Combat the Business Impact of COVID-19!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: April 22, 2021
Digital Marketing Trends

We have all been talking of a VUCA world for a while now. While so far it may have been just a trendy acronym that stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity,
COVID -19, has really brought us face to face with a highly volatile and uncertain world, like never before. While we are faced with a mammoth health crisis, its business impact is also substantial.

One thing, however, is certain, now is the time to refocus your strategy to adapt to the current digital transformation that has taken businesses by storm.

Here are some major digital marketing trends to focus your strategy on:

Online Events

This is the time to look at virtual conferences and events. It could be a webinar, an interactive workshop or the like that will help position you as a thought leader in your industry. A word of caution here though- since the pandemic has seen an exponential rise in webinars, making it a key digital marketing trend 2020, you need to make sure that what you are offering is of value to the target consumer and is not just a tick mark in your digital marketing toolkit.

Adapt to search behavior

How people are searching for thing online, for sure has changed during this pandemic. It is about time you relooked at your website so you are in sync with the highly searched keywords. You may also want to align your website content to the new market realities we are facing. If your business falls in the “essential services” category, for example, odds are that there is a large influx in search interest. As a brand, it is important for you to closely monitor keyword tools to see the shifts in search behavior and conversion metrics.

Search Engine Optimization can have a strong role in overcoming the business impact of COVID-19. Strategies such as use of FAQs, Schema, AMP, Voice Search and more can go a long way in crisis- recovery strategy. Here are some handy tips:

Google My Business

  • Ensure that your schema is updated. Some relevant schema include:
    • COVID-related announcements
    • Specifications of opening hours
    • FAQ Page
    • How to Page
    • Breadcrumbs and more
  • Make sure you update The Google My Business page to display the latest information.
  • AMP or accelerated mobile pages can be effectively used to enhance mobile visibility, engagement as well as conversion.
  • FAQs and voice search are other modes that you can employ to increase visibility of your business.

Audience Engagement

With digital consumption including video consumption and consumption of social media showing an exponential increase as most countries are facing lockdowns of sorts, it is extremely important to engage with your audience. The one thing to watch out for, however is that you need to consciously weed away tacky promotions. If anything, you need to humanize your brand and offer reassurance and tangible assistance during unprecedented times such as these. To do this, you have to create content that builds trust. It will go a long way in creating a long-lasting relationship with your consumers.

Social Commerce

Google Shopping

As the pandemic has brought a host of offline businesses to a grinding halt, the use of omni-channel models can ensure that you can leverage technology to remain in business. Social commerce platforms are especially emerging as facilitators to this transition. Offline players can get a hassle-free online presence while AI is used to automate catalogue as well as to list offline inventory. With Google allowing merchants to display their products across Google Shopping, the opportunity is now available to reach out to millions of shoppers in a day as the Google shopping tab allows free listings.

All of this will go a long way in a quicker liquidation cycle and importantly a steady income flow in these times.

AI Chatbots

Speaking of AI based solutions, AI chatbots can also come to your rescue in a situation, where customer support can be in a big issue. AI chat bots can ensure that there isn’t a huge backlog when it comes to support requests.

Promote your business online

Google Ads

Facebook Ads

While it may sound counterintuitive to advertise during a low phase, the fact is advertising across search and social at this time could go a long way in driving extra traffic. You could invest in Google Ads or Facebook Ads to reach your audiences. In fact, adjusting your PPC campaigns for new search terms will ensure that you reach out to the relevant audience. Google trends, is also a great tool to understand how people’s search interests are changing.

Future proof your business

Above everything, use this opportunity, to future proof your business. One way to do that, as the Corona virus outbreak has shown us, is to expedite digital transformation. Consider ways and means by which you can digitize your products for the future. For example, could you offer something as a download or in place of an in-person consultation can you look at a virtual or teleconferencing option. Decisions such as these, taken now, will go a long way in protecting business interests. We have already been shown the way, with films releasing on OTT platforms instead of waiting for a theatrical release. Future proofing the business for potential emergencies will sure be a reliable metric in evaluating the readiness of a business, going forward.

Skynet Technologies has been over 19 years of experience in offering search engine optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO) and Digital Marketing Services in USA, UK, Australia Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, New Zealand and worldwide based on your business requirements. Whether you are looking for brand awareness, generating traffic or getting more visitors to your website, generating more leads or conversion, we can help you to increase your web presence across the globe and bringing you more customers.

If you are looking for Search Engine Optimization Services, Social Media Marketing Services, Digital Marketing Services, PPC Campaign Management Services and more, Please Explore our SEO Services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!