How to save Customer Acquisition Cost with Effective Search Engine Optimization?

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
Customer Acquisition seo

Acquiring new customers is imperative for every company, but it seems to be getting more and more complex. Conventional sales channels not only cost time and money but they also lose more and more efficiency and some of the things that still worked in the 90s now only lead to frustrated salespeople.

Companies therefore need new ways to reach their target customers and to make new customer acquisition effective again. SEO is the first step in drawing new customers’ attention to a company because consumers behaviour is completely different today than they did a few years ago!

Understand consumers – optimize new customer acquisition

Many sales representatives assume that they have to pick up new customers where they are. That is also perfectly correct. But employees in classic sales today often misjudge the question of where exactly the customer would like to be picked up. Because digitalization has changed the behaviour of consumers drastically and contemporary marketing must adapt to this to be successful.

Because the sales talk no longer begins when the nice gentleman is at the door with the sample case! On the contrary, those who attack their target customers too aggressively today only trigger resistance. What used to lead to direct success in acquiring new customers is now perceived as a desperate strategy.

Because today, new customers want to consciously decide for themselves when and where to take action and identify themselves as potential buyers. For modern marketing, this means that the strategies for acquiring new customers have to change completely – because the important question is no longer: “How can I approach new customers?” But rather: “How can I ensure that new customers find me?”

It is estimated that customers today have completed 57% of the sales process themselves before appearing for a company. For sales staff, however, that doesn’t mean that they only have to do 43% of their work! Because the sales pitch begins today digitally.

Customers can only find a company if it is present online. And the more transparently a company presents itself on the internet, the more information it provides, the faster new customers can build trust and an emotional bond. Because that’s what it’s all about today – about trust and wellbeing.

From a sales point of view, every activity on the Internet is already an introduction to a sales pitch to acquire new customers and serves as the first important step on the way to more sales. This first step is building a trusting foundation, but to be able to take this step, SEO must come first!

No visibility without SEO

Visibility is everything when it comes to new customer acquisition, this applies to start-ups with a low advertising budget as well as to global corporations. Who is not present cannot be found? And since customers today prefer to actively search themselves, so visibility is more important than ever.

However, very few customers still stroll through the city to be surprised. Even those who do it have their smartphone in their hand and use the Google search engine to search for offers that interest them before they turn the next corner while strolling through town.

The focus must, therefore, be on visibility on the Internet begins on the second or third page of a search engine. To do SEO effectively, one needs to understand how search engines work.

The sales conversation with the search engine

A search engine must convince of the added value of a product just like any other customer. To optimize a page, you have to ask yourself what needs a search engine has because Google also want to reach their target customers.

And they do that by displaying the best possible content in response to requests. Because users always use search engines for a specific reason: They have a problem and want to solve it. So good content has to offer solutions and that can happen in many ways.

For example, through specialist articles that underpin the expert status of a company, but which are easy to read. Or through step-by-step instructions that enable customers to solve minor problems themselves.

If this guide worked, the readers will assess the company that provided the content as trustworthy and remember it – so the first step in building trust has been taken and the likelihood that the customer will contact this company if the customer needs competent help with a bigger problem increases.

Search engines love content that helps its users to solve specific problems. But even though the algorithms are getting smarter and smarter, they still don’t see websites the way humans do. Because search engines can only read in what is made available to them as required.

The crawlers are not able to look at videos or photos, nor do they find animations interesting, which website operators might find an original eye-catcher that sets their site apart from other sites. For the programs that crawl pages to classify them as relevant search results.

A website must be specially prepared for the acquisition of new customers so that search engines classify the content as really helpful. And to do this there are proven recipes for getting to the home page with SEO.

Use SEO to address target customers

To acquire new customers and to reach target customers, a website must primarily comply with the guidelines of the search engines. To improve the ranking of a page, various measures have to intermesh, because they all influence the position of a page in the search results.

Keyword-optimized content

Search engines use keywords to determine the content of an article. Keywords are therefore key words that allow conclusions to be drawn about the topic, but experts today have become cautious with specifying the optimal keyword density in percent. So-called holistic content is more important, i.e. holistic content in which the keywords are also varied and sometimes replaced by synonyms.

The placement of the keywords

To help Google assess certain keywords as relevant content, they should appear in the main heading, in the first and last paragraph of the text and variations also in the subheadings of the text.


Readability is also an important criterion for search engines when assessing content. Long-running texts are not considered to be user-friendly, as many readers skip through the content of an article before deciding whether to read it in full. The programs recognize whether a page is legible from the fact that the text contains subheadings, paragraphs that are not too long and eye-catchers such as lists.

Link structure

From the structure of the links within a page, crawlers can determine whether the page is user-friendly and offers further relevant content on the topic, a big plus point in the race for the best places. Links from other sites are also an important point of reference, because if the article of a domain is linked from other sites, search engines assume that the content is helpful. The site is therefore rated as trustworthy.

Speed, design and length of stay

Small things with a big impact are the loading time of a page and the question of whether the design is responsive, i.e. whether it is also displayed in a user-friendly manner on various mobile devices. The length of stay of the user also allows conclusions to be drawn as to whether the search results were satisfactory. The higher the bounce rate on a page, the more likely it is downgraded as not relevant.

All of these factors play together when search engines rank pages in order to find the best possible content for their users. In this way, system programs try to imitate the reading behaviour of human readers in such a way that they can offer helpful content. It is important to always keep in mind that the programs cannot see. So, you are not able to include photos, videos, podcasts or similar content.

Anyone who accommodates the search engines here and provides image and sound content with the appropriate meta tags and provides a transcribed form of the content will gain a decisive competitive advantage over competitors who do not pay attention to these subtleties when acquiring new customers.

If done correctly, SEO saves a lot of sales costs, because an optimized page appears at the top of the search results even without paid ads, so the visibility improves enormously.

New customer acquisition and social media

SEO is of course the starting point for acquiring new customers on the Internet, because the company’s presence on the web is the basis of all marketing activities. This is where the customer funnel leads, from here the bond with existing customers is maintained and here new customers can convince themselves of the seriousness of the company.

However, the path of a new customer does not exclusively lead through search engines. It is more likely that interested consumers start looking for certain brands when they become aware of them on social media portals. A brand name that you have never heard of is difficult to enter into a search engine.

Companies that are not present on social media channels leave important potential for new customer acquisition and fail to save costs if they leave the free opportunities to gain more visibility unused.

The gentle sales pitch: social selling

Today, customers actively engage in what is known as social listening, which means that they observe the activities of individual companies on the Internet, for example because they search for products on social media channels, become aware of reviews from other customers or because friends share a company’s posts.

Such recommendations are of course free for any company, but at the same time they are priceless, because a friend’s recommendation weighs much more than any advertisement. Marketers should definitely use the possibilities of social selling to increase the reach of their social media pages and thus to gently acquire new customers.

Targeting potential customers on the Internet is now often perceived as an overly intrusive marketing strategy. On the other hand, liking, commenting on and sharing posts is considered a positive form of attention, and this attention is gladly reciprocated.

The first step in acquiring new customers is often already done when sales employees do what they already know from their private online activities! Those who show presence in this way not only appear likeable and human, but also draw the attention of target customers to themselves.

Another important aspect of social selling is building backlinks. The more posts on a website are shared on social media portals, the more attractive the page appears to search engines. So, SEO and social media activities belong together.

The webinar – new customer acquisition without limits

Another way to win new customers is through webinars that can be used as a sales pitch to win new customers without incurring running costs. No sales representative should miss out on this opportunity to acquire new customers digitally, because if properly structured, a webinar can theoretically reach an infinite number of target customers.

In doing so, it has proven to be useful to first let your own expert status through, then to raise awareness of the problem and then to offer the solution to the problem through a product or service. Every experienced sales representative can work with these techniques, only that the user communicates indirectly with target audience via a camera during the webinar.

This form of new customer acquisition only requires one-time production costs, but can achieve an enormous reach through content recycling. A webinar can be integrated into the website and support SEO, it can reach new customers around the clock as a digital sales representative on video portals and video content is shared far more often than other posts on social media portals.

Acquiring new customers through webinars is another cost-effective way to conduct a digital sales pitch, but unlike a personal conversation, it is infinitely scalable.

Conclusion – new customer acquisition and SEO go hand in hand

Anyone who wants to reach consumer-conscious target customers today and convince them of their products should do SEO, use digital opportunities and use social media portals or channels as multipliers. Visibility is the way to acquire new customers and can drastically reduce sales costs compared to traditional sales.

SEO, Social Selling and Webinars are not only far more effective and cost-effective than classic sales strategies, they are also much more fun for sales employees and new customers feel this joy in their work immediately. The implementation of new customer acquisition via Google and Facebook is much more pleasant for marketers than cold calling on the phone and it achieves motivating results faster that benefit the entire company!

Having a thoughtful customer acquisition strategy is essential. Do want to reach more customers for your brand? If you are looking for more new customers, traffic, sales, quality SEO Strategies, search engine optimization services, content marketing strategies, SEO content optimization, online marketing, social media marketing, digital marketing services, PPC campaign management services and more, Please Explore our SEO Packages!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

How does Google’s Search Algorithm and Ranking System work?

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
Google Search Algorithm

1,000,000,000 – One Billion – That is roughly the same magnitude as the results on Google when you enter search terms such as “online marketing” or “language”. But once you pay attention to the order of the results, they are not just played out somehow. For example, Google search shows you high-quality websites and companies in your area. This is because the result list follows certain rules and processes. In short: an algorithm, as the core program of the search engine Google, determines the order of the results. In the following, we have summarized for you what defines the Google algorithm and what it does.

This is how the Google algorithm came about!

After the use of the Internet conquered the world and more and more results were displayed in Google searches, a system was needed that made the display of the results clearer. This was the hour of birth of the Google algorithm. After that, it is easier for Google users to find the right answer to their question. So even if a billion results appear for the search term “online marketing”, Google will show you the most relevant to you today.

What is the Google algorithm?

An algorithm is a procedure that uses formulas and processes to perform various transformations. This procedure includes a large number of formulas (also called ranking factors) that Google assigns to the algorithm. The transformation of the algorithm is the position of a website in the Google search, which can change due to the formulas/factors. Since the algorithm’s finest hour, Google has been making adjustments to the associated ranking factors almost daily. This is entirely in line with the user experience: this enables users to always find the most relevant and high-quality content when searching. The changes do not always mean for website owners that drastic losses are noticeable in the findability on Google, but this can certainly be the case. For this reason, appropriate SEO measures are advantageous because they optimize visibility on Google by taking Google factors into account.

How does Google algorithm work?

Right at the beginning, when asked about how the Google algorithm works, the answer must be that Google is largely silent in this regard. Understandable, since disclosure of the exact working method would lead to falsified results and manipulation of the Google search. However, there are some known details that website owners should consider for their visibility on Google.

In its beginnings, the algorithm was limited to the task of evaluating websites using only external links. If other high-quality websites often linked to your own, this brought better results on Google. Today, Google takes into account a total of around 200 factors that span the entire bandwidth of the website.

Some of the Google Ranking factors are:

  • Website Architecture: Does the page have a good HTML structure?
  • Content: How is the quality & originality of the language?
  • Visitor behaviour: What is the bounce rate?
  • Mobile responsive: Is the website easy to use on a mobile device?
  • Page Loading Speed: How much fast your website can be loaded?
  • Grammar and Spelling: Google Search uses the grammar and spelling as the quality signals.

Today’s Google algorithm, which is adapted almost daily by Google, takes into account all components of a good website. This starts with the choice of the domain name. The structure of the entire website is also taken into account, both in its programmed HTML form and in its design. In addition to the cleanliness of the HTML code, the website should be modern and user-friendly. The content is also an important component, i.e. the quality of the advertising and information texts and the originality of the language. So-called duplicate content is not welcome on Google. Also, the backlinks are important & the behaviour of visitors to the website is now also regarded as a quality feature. Mobile Friendly websites are must for achieving top rankings!

Google algorithm updates

Numerous updates to the Google algorithm, including the well-known Panda update, implement important filters at regular intervals, such as the content quality filter. Bad websites with thin content lose their ranking positions as a result. Websites with high-quality content, on the other hand, rise. Today’s algorithm also filters the search results based on the topicality of the search term and the location of the searcher. This means that current websites of service providers in the area appear. Word analysis of the entered keyword (search term) also carries out for the search. The word analysis is based on different language models and synonym systems.

The Google algorithm at a glance!

In summary, today’s Google algorithm is subject to countless small and large factors as well as a large number of processes that all relate to the quality of the website. If they are taken into account, Google rewards them with good ranking positions. But if you are now wondering why your own good website does not end up on page one of the Google results, you have to consider that the effective implementation of all the factors of the algorithm and the resulting rise on Google takes a lot of time. The multitude of algorithm factors and the multitude of websites make visibility on Google a real challenge and a competition that can and can be mastered!

Do you require more traffic for your website or got any questions? If you are looking for more traffic, more sales, quality SEO Strategies, search engine optimization services, content marketing strategies, SEO content optimization, online marketing, social media marketing, digital marketing services, PPC campaign management services and more, Please Explore our SEO Packages!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

Top 8 Email Marketing Tips to get more subscribers quickly!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
Email Marketing Tips

Whether it is the communication of new company information or as a teaser or summery email for articles on your company blog or to report interesting offers to your customers – with a newsletter or email marketing you can reach potentially interested customers in a targeted manner, quickly and, above all, almost free of charge. So that the effort of creating is not in vain, you would of course also want to reach an appealing number of subscribers.

The following 8 practical email marketing tips should help you to get more email or newsletter subscribers.

1. Adapt the design to the brand/company

Regardless of whether you send invoice documents or appear with your company at a trade fair – you will always present yourself in your company colors and also incorporate your logo or your brand. Correct? The same rule also applies to your email traffic. You should therefore integrate your company-typical colors and certain design elements into the newsletter design. This allows your readers to recognize that the newsletter came from you and ensures a long-term basis of trust.

2. Optimize technology and design

Writing a newsletter is not exactly the same as writing an email – thanks to programs. However, it is no more difficult. With the help of the programs, you collect your e-mail addresses in lists that enable you to send them with just one click. The programs also have various tools available for the design of your newsletter, which simplify the design using images, colors and different fonts. Upgrade your newsletter accordingly to make it easier to read and to please your subscribers.

3. Advertise

Anyone who takes the trouble to create a newsletter also wants it to be read regularly and with pleasure. Be it via the integration on your blog or on your website or on your Instagram and Facebook page. Communicate the existence of your newsletter as well as current and interesting content to potential customers on a regular basis.

4. Offer something

Hand on heart – if you can win something, the willingness to deal with something is much greater. Therefore, offer your customers something for subscription. Be it a small price or a voucher code – if you are rewarded for your “effort” and receive a small goodie in addition to an interesting newsletter, you will dare to register more quickly.

5. Adjust the registration form

Speaking of registration – an intuitive, quick and trustworthy registration ensures even more newsletter subscribers. Therefore, make the registration as easy as possible by asking only the most necessary information from the interested party. You can also design the fields appropriately by using legible font and inserting the fields appropriately. In addition, always adhere to the data protection guidelines and be transparent about what happens to the data.

6. Place the newsletter correctly

A small icon or a button can often have a big effect – draw attention to your newsletter, sometimes creatively. Small integrations such as in the sidebar of your website or at the end of every post on your blog ensure increasing subscription numbers.

7. Communicate rotation

Not hourly, not daily, but possibly weekly or monthly – depending on the content and industry or customers, a different rhythm is recommended for sending the newsletter. Always determine this in consideration of the communicated content and also in relation to the necessity for your branch. It is best to communicate the cycle when registering for the newsletter so that subscribers know what to expect.

8. Make unsubscribing easy

Even if you “lose” subscribers, they should always be viewed as a reputable source. Therefore, not only make the registration for the newsletter, but also the unsubscribe as easy and quick as possible. You can do this, for example, by giving subscribers the option to unsubscribe from every e-mail and by removing the e-mail address from your system without entering a lot of information.

Online marketing: particularly effective with an agency!

Online marketing opens up countless opportunities for companies to target new customers and to increase their own awareness in the region. Small and medium-sized companies in particular often lack the time and expertise to successfully lead their business into the online world. This is where we at Skynet Technologies come in and find the right solution for your company.

Reach thousands of your customers instantly with our email marketing campaigns. If you are looking for email marketing, content marketing strategies, search engine optimization services, digital marketing services, PPC campaign management services and more, Please explore our SEO Services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

Top 13 Common SEO Myths and its Facts you must know for Best SEO Practice!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: April 14, 2021
SEO Myths and Facts

Every website operator wants their page to be found and therefore more or less inevitably deals with search engine optimization. This is how SEO myths arise that you should look at critically if you want your website to be found on the Internet as easily as possible. The Google updates Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird repeatedly punish existing SEO tactics, so that you often no longer know exactly which ones are actually out of date and which ones should be used.

Myth 1 – SEO is all about ranking

Fact: Of course, it is important that your website with the keywords that are important to you ideally appears in the first three positions of the organic search results on Google. Good click-through rates may mean a lot of visitors to your website, but not necessarily that these visitors also achieve the goal of the website, e.g. order something, fill out the contact form or watch a product video (this goal achievement is called “conversion”). Search engine optimization affects many areas: usability, i.e. the user guidance and the user experience (how the users experience the website), the website structure, content marketing etc. The ranking of individual keywords is only an SEO goal and is often overrated. Often it is not the relevant keywords for which the ranking is analysed. If there are very generic keywords, then of course, there are usually very strong competitors. So always take a look at which websites are listed on Google among the top 10 for the search term or phrase that is relevant to you. This gives you a good overview of how you can optimize your website.

Myth 2 – The most important thing is on-page SEO

Fact: On-page SEO, i.e. all SEO measures directly on the website, is unfortunately only part of the job. In addition to keyword research, image optimization, content creation, etc., there are many other factors to consider, such as page performance, link building or social media optimization. SEO is a holistic project. It’s always about the website being coherent, the positioning clearly recognizable and the overall concept “round”. Find out more SEO tips here.

Myth 3 – SEO can also be done by the IT department or the web designer

Fact: Yes, of course, SEO also has a lot of technical aspects and the IT department can often help with redirects, the robots.txt or the loading times of the site. But neither the web designer nor the IT department will deal intensively with keyword research or content marketing. That is why it is good if an SEO manager takes care of getting the many different aspects under one roof and makes the specifications for the others.

Myth 4 – Keywords must match exactly and be typed everywhere

Fact: Keyword stuffing, i.e. entering many keywords in one text or in the footer, is mega-out. Above all, you don’t need to enter anything in the metatag , this is completely irrelevant for Google. You don’t have to force the keyword or long-tail keywords into the text. Today, modern SEO means more to find keyword themes, i.e. keywords, synonyms and variants that go with them. Write a good and catchy headline and user-relevant content. Because what is good for users is also good for Google.

Myth 5 – There is an ideal keyword density

Fact: Keyword density is a myth that keeps popping up. There is no indication of how often the keyword should be mentioned. And if the text sounds unnatural when you read it out loud, it certainly doesn’t make sense. But it makes sense to mention the keyword in the headline. It is best to include the keyword in the (not too long) URL and at the beginning of the text. Don’t over-optimize, then the text will be read with pleasure.

Myth 6 – It is good when a lot of links point to my website

Fact: Yes, it’s good to have backlinks pointing to your site from well-respected thematic pages. And no, because link building is about quality, not quantity. The times of link buying and link exchange are clearly over, Google immediately recognizes this as spam. Even meaningless entry in all possible web catalogues, web directories, etc. does not help to strengthen the authority of a website. And you definitely shouldn’t buy links. You can invest this money better if you (have) write good content, e.g. posts for your blog, interesting offers or guest posts on other sites. This is how you gradually build natural links.

Myth 7 – Good content is enough, I don’t need SEO

Fact: Good content is important, of course. It is also important that something new is always added to the website. But of course, you should also check which keywords got visitors to your website, where these visitors came from and which posts were the best. This research can also be used to find new topics for your website. Now that’s search engine optimization again;)! Content and SEO are inevitably linked.

Incidentally, Google does not want to display the website in the top positions that are best optimized for search engines, but rather show the website that contains relevant content for the search term. Good content is therefore, a prerequisite and a meaningful on-page optimization supports the work of the crawlers in understanding the topic of your page.

Myth 8 – Website need a lot of content and therefore, absolutely it contains blog

Fact: No, it’s not about beating the user down with content, but rather that you present your company and your unique selling proposition correctly and that it is clear to the user what the user do next on your site. You don’t need hundreds of pages to do this. Better pay attention to the quality of the content. Just a few lines with company news is rather uninteresting for users and is rated by Google as “thin content” that offers no added value. So, when you add new content, make sure that the new page creates because you have something to say and it really benefits the user.

But it doesn’t necessarily have to be a blog that attracts user attention. It can also be pages that provide advice, FAQs or small useful tools.

Myth 9 – Social media and SEO have nothing to do with each other

Fact: Just to come straight to the point: just because you have a company profile on Facebook, Twitter or any other social network doesn’t automatically rank your website better. This is because Google cannot necessarily access the content of the networks. But still, a social media marketing strategy and search engine optimization belong together. You don’t have to be represented everywhere, but if you do, you have to be right, because high-quality content is also shared.

Myth 10 – For Local SEO, I just have to include the city

Fact: If it were that easy: then you just had to add your city or region in the text on your website and you would appear at the top of the search results. Of course, if you want to be found locally, it makes sense to mention where you can be found on the website. But when it comes to local search engine optimization, also think of review. A company profile on Google MyBusiness is particularly important because here you can appear in Google Maps and thus rank better in the search results. The company can also receive reviews, receive customer messages, or post. Find out more, how to promote your business with local online marketing!

Myth 11 – I have to submit my website to Google

Fact: No, Google will find your website faster than you think. Google will index the pages before you even go online. But you should submit a sitemap.xml in the Google Search Console so that Google has a table of contents of your website. This is how Google understands the structure of your website faster and better. Make sure to enter the correct format in the Search Console, namely xml and not html.

Myth 12 – When I run Google Ads, I get a better ranking in organic search results

Fact: No, that’s not correct. Google Ads and the search engine are two separate Google products and you won’t get a better ranking by placing ads. However, your website may then appear at the top of the search results, which will generate more traffic for your website. However, Google Ads is a complex product that you shouldn’t use in a hurry, otherwise, it will quickly become expensive.

Myth 13 – SEO is free!

Fact: If you’re doing SEO yourself and don’t really need an advertising budget, SEO might be free (except that you spend time on it). And if you like to create content for your website anyway, for example, blogging or creating video tutorials, then don’t do this for SEO, but for your users. The time factor is an argument because it takes a lot of time to get used to it and to stay up to date. SEO is an online marketing tool like advertising and therefore budget must be available for it.


SEO always has a holistic aspect and many adjustments. Which one to shoot depends on your goals and priorities, time and resources. First of all, it is important that you deal with the topic at all and no longer use outdated SEO techniques.

If you are looking for quality SEO Strategies, search engine optimization services, content marketing strategies, SEO content optimization, Local search engine optimization, local online marketing, social media marketing, digital marketing services, PPC campaign management services and more, Please Explore our SEO Services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!