The Complete Guide on Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
Accelerated Mobile Pages

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is an initiative by Google to further improve the usability of mobile devices. AMP is a specific markup in the HTML5 source code that focuses on very fast loading times for websites on mobile devices. Due to 3G or 4G network connections, content on mobile devices is generally slower to load than on the desktop. AMP pages are designed for mobile use only and therefore do not work on desktop devices.

The goal of Google’s AMP project is to make mobile pages load faster. If the mobile pages load faster, more articles can be read at the same time and the bounce rate decreases due to slower loading times.

Currently, AMP is only supported by Google. The fast loading times are not related to Bing, Yahoo or other search engines.

Why was AMP developed?

The AMP project is urgently needed as mobile use is overtaking desktop search in many countries. In order to ensure the user friendliness and the loading times of the pages as desktop versions, a new solution was needed to improve the page speed.

The development of apps was the first reaction to offer a good user experience on mobile devices. Many publishers, advertisers and online retailers have developed their own mobile apps in order to offer their users a good user experience.

This approach is very successful because, on average, people spend much more time in apps than they do on mobile websites. But the apps have fewer monthly visitors than a mobile website. AMP was developed to provide a better user experience for those who visit mobile websites.

How does AMP make mobile websites faster?

Fast loading time can be achieved in two ways:

  • Produce content that loads quickly
  • Fast provision of the pages

AMP not only makes page loading faster by preferring to load items in the viewport (everything that can be seen within the screen without scrolling). Each AMP page is pre-rendered on a Google server, which means that the respective website is in the Google cache.

The users do not interact directly with their server but load the AMP website from the Google servers. This may seem like an additional barrier, but since the website is already loaded on a Google server, the website is already available in the browser before the search query has been made. This saves milliseconds.

3 Benefits of using AMP

1. The faster loading time of a website

The most important advantage of AMP is of course the fast loading time of the page. This offers users a good user experience. More importantly, AMP can help rank better in search results pages. Because the page loads faster and the page load time is one of the most important criteria for good SEO, AMP pages are more visible.

Google’s mobile-first algorithm favours sites that are optimized for mobile devices anyway.

2. The website can be checked in advance

Another benefit of AMP’s pre-rendering on Google’s server is that Google already had the time to pre-examine a page. AMP pages require a strict HTML5 structure. If a markup is missing, the entire AMP website will not work. Checking the pages ahead of time saves a few milliseconds again.

3. Pay close attention to AMP sites

A side effect of using AMP is the AMP logo that Google automatically displays in search engine results. The Blitz logo may not be familiar to many, but it is attracting attention, and so many more visitors.

3 disadvantages of using AMP

AMP also has some drawbacks to be aware of.

1. Google has the upper hand

Since this is a Google initiative, Google still has a lot of access to the pages. The best example of this is the fact that the AMP pages are loaded onto Google servers and are therefore very search engine dependent. So, your traffic here depends on Google.

2. JavaScript elements do not work

Another disadvantage of AMP is that interactive JavaScript elements do not work in AMP. Website tracking, which is essential to making good data-driven decisions, is becoming increasingly complex. While it is entirely possible to run most analytics tracks, there are some technical steps to keep in mind. Plug-and-play is also not possible.

3. Time and resources

Moving to an AMP optimized website takes time and of course, the right people or CMS systems are needed to work with it. Translating an entire website into AMP will take some time and effort to get everything set up optimally.

How can AMP be used?

Most standard CMS systems such as Magento or WordPress have plugins to make optimization on AMP pages relatively easy. If there is no CMS system with AMP plugins in place, the page can also be updated by manually changing the source code of each page.

Since AMP is an HTML5 language, you can make your pages AMP safe by adding additional markup.

In summary, AMP is a promising project that is spreading more and more. By converting your pages to AMP, you are definitely gaining a competitive advantage. Still, it is desirable that AMP sites become more popular and plug-and-play.

Furthermore, Google AMP are enhancing digital marketing strategies, increase rankings and provide better mobile-friendly experience! If you wanted to stay competitive in the mobile market, you should be AMP optimized. If you are looking to convert your website or online store in AMP or in a mobile-friendly experience, explore our website design services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

Top 4 Key Elements of Standard Website Design Service!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
Website Design

Websites have become an integral part of this digital age. They are often used to present their own content or to market a product. Many people design their own website. Unfortunately, you can often see that in the results. Most of the time, the simplest design rules are thrown overboard for your own webpage and the design begins like crazy.

Creating an appealing website is not difficult, but time-consuming. But there are a few basic rules that should be observed. Fortunately, web design differs little from “normal” design. If a few basic rules are observed, the result can be seen.

Basic rules for website design

First things first: nobody wants to see a cluttered website. The page should therefore be kept as simple as possible and too much formatting and continuous text should be avoided. Pictures, videos and symbols are well suited to loosen up the content, but these should also be used with care. The basic rule is: do not overwhelm the visitor and offer them a page that is as informative and well-structured as possible with ease of navigation.

Searching with mobile devices is becoming more and more important – this is why a website must be able to be displayed well on smaller screens such as smartphones or tablets. Accordingly, everyone who wants to offer a website today also has to deal with responsive website design.

There are some key points to keep in mind: Headings should be bold and easy to read. Sans-serif fonts are ideal for this. Subheadings give a text and structure and it is easier for a reader to find something. This also improves the ranking in the search engines.

A sans serif font is good for body text and the text should be at least 12 font size. It is important that the contrast between the background and the text is as good as possible so that it can be read easily. One and a half line spacing in the text should be standard. These points are particularly important if a rather older target group is to be addressed.

Which font is the best?

Especially if the website is to contain content, it is important to make the text as legible as possible. Fonts such as Proxima Nova are suitable here. In any case, it makes sense to stick to one font as much as possible so that the page looks harmonious.

Correct choice of colors

Just like in everyday life, colors can be positive and negative. Here, too, it is important: less, but consequently. It is better to choose three colors that harmonize well with each other and can be found constantly on the entire homepage than to trigger overstimulation in the visitors with too many colors. Important website content such as call-to-action buttons should always be highlighted with colors, whereas background elements should be kept neutral.

Depends on the images

The right images offer real added value for a website. They should be chosen carefully and wisely and pick up the visitor on an emotional level. This makes a website interesting and creates connection. However, care should be taken to ensure that the images are the right size so that they come into their own. Pixelated images look unprofessional and lead to people leaving the site immediately.

Web design is a very popular key element for your business today. If you have not taken an advantage of it yet, it is advisable to grab this opportunity for expanding your business.

If you are looking for a website design services, UX/UI web design, online store design, ecommerce website design, Please explore our website design services! We also provide website redesign services, online store redesign and ecommerce website redesign services. For more information, please explore our website redesign services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

UX/UI Web Design Comparison

By | Date posted: | Last updated: April 14, 2021
ui ux Web Design

UX Web Design and UI Web Design are closely related. However, they denote different design approaches, each with a different focus.

What does UI design stand for?

UI stands for User Interface and describes the interface through which users interact with an application. UI design means that this interface is designed so practically and attractively for an app, website or other interface can be used as easily and effectively as possible.

A UI designer is responsible for ensuring that a website is intuitive to use. It should have many logical buttons and the user must immediately recognize the most important functions of the page without getting lost. This can be done via font size and font, via colors, via the arrangement of buttons or via pop-ups.

Even with a website, it is important that users are shown the best offers directly in a clear mask without a lengthy search. The same also applies to ecommerce store, information pages, comparison pages. They should all pick up the user and offer the most pleasant web experience possible.

No UI design without UX: The user experience is always in the foreground!

But UI is just a part of UX. UX stands for User Experience and is the overriding goal of creating a maximum pleasant experience for a user through design and functionality. This works less with the specific design of an individual application, i.e. whether a button is yellow or green, than with the entire structure. The subjective perception is in the foreground in UX design and less the purely functional.

UX web design aims to make the user experience as positive as possible and to positively shape a person’s emotions and experiences. Products or services are more likely to be bought or used if they are backed by a well-thought-out concept. A positive user experience is shaped, for example, by a uniform look and appearance as well as a homogeneous communication style.

This can happen through various mechanisms and always focuses on the user. UX designers are therefore always confronted with the question: How can the product, service or application be presented to the user in such a way that as many positive emotions as possible are triggered?

What defines a good UX and UI design?

Good UX design is shaped by functionality. It has fulfilled its task when people have been completely satisfied with their concerns after using an application. In other words, not only did they find what they were looking for, but they also had a pleasant experience, as the application was designed to be particularly user-friendly, appealing or entertaining.

Good UI design is also characterized by consistency. A similar look can be found in all the applications offered, which increases the recognition value. An appealing design is essential for a surface to develop its full potential. Only if the design is right can users really have a positive user experience.

In this way, UX and UI design can support each other in the best possible way

While UX design counts on the feeling of using it, UI design is increasingly aimed at the look. Both approaches are closely related, after all, a good feeling also comes from a good look. For UX designers, developing a new application is often about finding bugs that interfere with smooth operation.

Often several people are called in to test the application and report any bugs. Even with prototypes and beta testing to work makes sense. The latter can then be evaluated under the aspects of why users do not click on a certain button or which button is clicked particularly frequently, etc. Such subtleties are then optimized together with the UI designer.

A different color, font or placement of a button can ensure that user behaviour changes completely. UX and UI design are therefore difficult to separate and usually work closely together.

What skills do UX and UI designers need?

The skills of a UX designer focus on the context of use and the experiences while using an application. UX designers need to know the target audience of an application and keep this in mind when developing an application.

The UI designer must focus on making a product that is visually appealing and easy to use. The aesthetics and optics play a big role in UI design. Intuitive use should be in the foreground and supported by the design. These two areas are inextricably linked in a good web application.

If you are looking for a website design services, UX/UI web design, online store design, ecommerce website design, Please explore our website design services! We also provide website redesign services, online store redesign and ecommerce website redesign services. For more information, please explore our website redesign services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!

Avoid the 5 Most Common Website Design Mistakes for Better User Experience!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
Website Design

Have you ever left a website because you found it unsightly or messy? A successful website is not just about exciting content. A coherent web design presents your content in an appealing way and helps users to find their way around your website intuitively. But where do you start? There are numerous possibilities for the design of a website – some of them deliver less than convincing results. The good news: You can learn a lot from these examples. In the following, we will therefore introduce you to the 5 most common web design mistakes and show you how to avoid them.

1. Confusing start page

People who are surfing online have a particularly give low attention span. It is all the more important that users quickly find what they are looking for on your website. Many website operators make the mistake of filling the start page with all the content offered. A large number of colors, logos, seals of approval and highlighting are often used in order to emphasize the individual points.

Keep the start page simple and tell your users briefly and concisely what you have to offer them. It is better to save detailed information and background stories for the individual sub-pages – they are better off there.

2. Complicated navigation

So, you now know that various sub-pages help to structure your content in a meaningful and clear manner. However, many website operators make an easy-to-avoid mistake here: they make navigation unnecessarily complicated. When building your website, keep in mind that most people are visiting your site for the first time and are new to it.

Only create as many subpages as you actually need. Also make sure that each subpage can be reached from the homepage with a maximum of two clicks. The best way to place your navigation menu is clearly visible in the upper quarter of the directly visible area, either in the header or in the sidebar. If you want to go a step further, let the menu bar scroll with you. So, users can jump between your subpages at any time.

3. Poor Readability

Do you have exciting content that you want to share with your users? Then make sure that they can read the content effortlessly. There are a lot of web design, especially when it comes to legibility.

Avoid the following:

  • Hard to read font
  • Insufficient contrast between background and font color
  • Small font size & small line spacing
  • Center text across the entire width, no margin
  • Missing paragraphs & subheadings
  • No Heading tags or no highlighting text

That seems better:

  • Clear, legible writing
  • Contrasts (preferably dark text on a light background)
  • Min. 16-pixel font size & approx. 1.5 line spacing
  • Left aligned text with max. 90 characters per line
  • Meaningful paragraphs & appropriate subheadings
  • Highlight important content with bold text

4. Sub-optimal images

Of course, web content is more appealing when your text is supported by images. Too often it happens that the images used on websites do not match the content or are not very meaningful. Use images that convey trust and competence, such as professional-looking photos of you and your team at work.

5. Too large formats

You have probably already heard that you should use the highest possible resolution images and videos, otherwise your website will appear blurred. This statement is not entirely correct and is a widespread web design misconception.

Why? Large image and video files slow down your website loading time. If the loading time is too long, these may jump off without even looking at your website. That would be a shame now that you know the common web design mistakes and your website looks completely professional!

Get started online with a web design and digital marketing agency!

Local online marketing that is precisely tailored to your company – that is what we at Skynet Technologies provide. Of course, you could also try to get your company into the online world on your own. But with our experienced agency at your side, you not only save time, you also benefit from the professional expertise of our employees and can continue to concentrate on your core business. In the meantime, we take targeted measures to attract new customers and increase awareness in your region.

Do you need any help to improve your user experience of website? We are here to help you out! If you are looking for UX/UI web design, online store design, ecommerce website design, Explore our website design services! We also provide website redesign service, website revamp service, online store redesign service or ecommerce website redesign service, for more information, please explore our website redesign services! Ultimately, UX helps to improve conversion rate. If you require help with search engine optimization, digital marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, explore our SEO Services!

If you have any questions or would like to know more about how Skynet Technologies can help your business to reach one step ahead, Reach out us through below form & We'll get back to you soon!