Categories: Ecommerce Solution

Ecommerce Analytics Advantages

Do you know who your website visitors are and what they are interested in? And by which measures do visitors really turn into customers? If you want to keep up with ecommerce store these days and don’t want to be completely in the dark when it comes to website optimization, you can use ecommerce analysis to answer all of these questions.

The ecommerce analysis provides you with the data of your website visitors so that you can optimize your content on the basis of user interests. Finding out what users are actually doing on your ecommerce website, online store, or blog is important. This is the only way to make really useful decisions that will increase your sales and increase website traffic.

What makes ecommerce analysis so valuable and why is it worth investing in professional analytics tools? First of all, we need to take a look at our customers.

Why is it essential to get to know your customers?

Getting to know your customers is essential, because only your customers can help you get more leads and more sales. Understanding your customers is the key to good service, which in turn leads to strong customer relationships and new sales.

Therefore, you should set your focus correctly: on customer loyalty management, follow-up purchases, customer satisfaction and usability – in the right places.

But what specific measures should be implemented and in what way? How can the conversion rate of visitors who become customers be increased and thus sales increased? How do I find out more about my customers now? This is where the ecommerce analysis starts.

What is an ecommerce analysis?

An ecommerce analysis is basically all tools or strategies that aim to analyse large amounts of data in a virtual environment. This data analysis is intended to gain useful knowledge and make it available to the user. From this, very specific, suitable measures for website optimization can be derived.

Often this data is not only very complex, but also extremely extensive. Especially those data sets that are directly related to customer behaviour. This is a veritable flood of data that not only has to be measured, but also analysed and then interpreted.

This makes ecommerce analysis sound scary and daunting to many at first – you probably don’t want to spend days and nights looking at numbers and trends, but instead want to concentrate on generating your sales. When processes and customer service have to be flawless, there is hardly any time to look back and analyse your own ecommerce store. We all feel the same way. But there are now simple options and performing an ecommerce analysis is worthwhile!

Advantages of ecommerce website analytics

The ecommerce analysis enables companies to attract more visitors, to win new customers for goods or services as well as to retain existing customers and to increase sales and revenues through very targeted measures.

The ecommerce analysis shows you everything that works and what doesn’t with your ecommerce store or website. That is more frightening than some numbers.

The ecommerce analysis can help you to analyse the various performance indicators that will help you move your business forward: Traffic sources such as For example, which search engines, frequent keywords and website references that bring you the most traffic, as well as the number of unique visitors who visit your website and their length of stay.

There are now many tracking and analysis tools on the market that make ecommerce analysis easier. By choosing the most suitable ecommerce analysis tool for your needs, you and your company will gain a significant competitive advantage.

Choosing a tracking tool for ecommerce analysis

To see how customers are interacting with your website, many companies use a tracking tool to analyse user behaviour.

The following data is usually collected using a tracking tool:

  • Number of website visitors
  • Origin of website visitors
  • Length of stay on individual pages
  • Demographic characteristics
  • Devices used
  • Bounce rate
  • Conversion rate
  • and much more.

The best-known tool, which is free in the basic version, is Google Analytics. This gives you very reliable and, above all, extensive data that can be evaluated and made available via a data export.

With regard to data protection, however, it is worth mentioning that it is not certain to what extent Google will continue to use the collected data and to what extent it will use it for marketing purposes in the future. You should at least know that and keep it in mind as a general aspect when choosing a suitable analysis tool.

An alternative for those who invest less time in lengthy data evaluations and do not want to leave their data in the hands of Google are today various analysis tools that already rely on optical data processing and thus present the knowledge gained to your users directly and clearly. These tools are often chargeable because they offer additional service functions in addition to basic functions and the transmission of data and specialize in extensive tracking.

These additional functions are, for example, representations in the form of:

  • Heatmap
  • Scrollmap
  • Graphics
  • Video analysis

A tracking tool should also be easy to implement. Also, these tools can be integrated into your own website with just a few clicks and offers the above-mentioned representations in a visually prepared and easily understandable form. As time is known to be cost, a good way to get direct results without intensive table evaluations.

Tracking tool integration

The implementation works without any programming knowledge:

  • Enter your domain in the tool’s dashboard.
  • You will receive a tracking code that you can integrate on your website. The integration of the code is done with just a few mouse clicks.
  • Done. The tool starts recording the visits.

Video evaluation

The activities of the website visitors are recorded as video. A video analysis clearly shows how a website visitor moves, where users clicks and what interests to them. The videos can be used, for example, to deduce how you can optimally design your website and where you should specifically place elements in order to get full attention.

Click maps

On the so-called click maps you will find a representation of the individual clicks of the user. This gives you a graphically understandable view of which buttons users click and which elements they pay particular attention to.


On the scrollmaps you can see how far users have scrolled and where they are most of the time. These areas are shown in the form of a heat map.


There is no getting around ecommerce analysis and the use of corresponding analysis tools if you don’t just make assumptions, but want to receive real, well-founded knowledge and user data.

Anyone who is willing to invest at this point and invest in ecommerce analysis can often even save an enormous amount of time and cost in the long term – because the use of tracking tools is not only very productive, some ecommerce analysis tools also offer visually prepared data evaluations in the form of videos, heat maps or scroll maps.

This makes it easy to turn the right screws with directly available results and to optimize your own website in a targeted manner – without using your budget for possibly ineffective measures. In any case, you will understand your website visitors better with an ecommerce analysis – and that is what everything is based on.

Are you planning to invest in ongoing analysis and maintenance for your ecommerce website? Also, do you want to know your visitor? We are happy to assist you in marketing opportunities for your existing ecommerce store or developing a new ecommerce store or require any type of ecommerce solutions. For more information, visit our ecommerce solutions! We also provide ecommerce website maintenance services, online store maintenance services and more. For more information, Please visit our ecommerce website maintenance services!

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