How to relaunch an online store? How it can boost the sales volume!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
Online Store Relaunch

An online store relaunch can push your sales numbers properly if you approach it in the right way. Read how it works here!

What you need to consider for a successful restart?

There are many reasons to open your own online store. This step can be done for current or design reasons. However, it can be just as necessary or desirable if the entire company is realigned or the existing store system is changed.

In order for it to be crowned with success, you have to take many aspects into account, from planning to concrete implementation to the final launch.

Clearly define expectations of the online store relaunch

If you want to give your ecommerce website or online store a new design, the first step should be to answer the question, what do you expect from this measure – and how can these ideas be implemented.

Analyse the weaknesses of your ecommerce store and think about concrete approaches with which these can be eliminated. In addition, you should also question those processes that are already running smoothly.

The next step is to select the ecommerce system with which you can best implement your wishes and ideas.

Standard or individual template?

By choosing the ecommerce system you have laid the foundation for your online business. The question now is whether you would like to have a ready-made design or an individual solution – both have their specific advantages:

With pre-made templates, you can do the relaunch much faster because you save the effort of design programming. Depending on the complexity, you would have to plan between 3 and 6 weeks. After the settings for the individual pages have been made, you can fill them with your products.

Individual templates require a lot of programming effort, but you then have the option to tailor the look of the website to your company. You can also tweak a lot of screws to offer your customers an even more personalize shopping experience. Personalize shopping is becoming increasingly important in the current flooding of users. You can use your online store to stand out from the numerous other online stores and leave a lasting positive impression on users. The offers on the Internet are becoming more and more similar, so the shopping experience is a decisive factor: How do users feel? Do they find their way well? Through a usability tailored to the target group, the conversion rate is demonstrably and permanently heard.

The development phase before the relaunch of your online store

Now that the design has been completed, it goes to the development phase of your ecommerce website or an online store:

Two things are particularly important: First, the development environment must be selected so that it fits the system. On the other hand, you must ensure that your ecommerce store is not found by search engines during this time by placing the newly built pages on NOINDEX. This setting, which you make via the meta tags, means that Google & Co. Don’t downgrade because of duplicate content.

Speaking of Google, SEO is an essential building block when relaunching an ecommerce website or online store. In addition to the user-friendliness of the page, search engine rankings are one of the most important factors for success in online store.

Watch out for:

  • Working 301 redirects to the new URLs
  • A sitemap (which is set to NOINDEX and FOLLOW in the meta settings)

Generally good metadata such as tags, alt attributes etc.

  • Adequate number of internal links

If you are new to the world of search engine optimization, it is advisable to hire an SEO agency.

In addition, you have to make other essential decisions for the relaunch:

  • Which payment options should the user have? Would you like to get new or different payment providers on board?
  • With what logistics providers will work together and they are connected through interfaces to the ecommerce? How is smooth shipping ensured?
  • Should ERP systems be integrated? These support you in procurement planning and you always have an overview of how your ecommerce website or online store is developing.
  • How can awareness of the ecommerce store be funded? Those who are not present on the Internet practically do not exist.

In addition to the rankings of the actual online store pages, a blog can also attract additional traffic to the website. You can use information-related search queries and establish yourself as an expert in your field. In this context, social media tools are also a success factor. Likes and shares of users are extremely valuable because they are authentic recommendations for others.

Stay alert after the relaunch of Online store

Expecting perfection in the first few weeks is not too realistic. It is important to analyse and eliminate the errors that occur. This is especially true for 404 errors. The entire structure of your store can be examined with tools. This makes it much easier for you to turn the right screws and ensure that the relaunch of your store is a success. We are happy to assist you for any type of ecommerce solution advice at any time.

If you are looking to revamp your existing online store, new marketing opportunities for your existing online store or want to create a new online store, Please explore our ecommerce solutions! We also provide ecommerce website maintenance services, online store maintenance services and more. For more information, Please visit our website maintenance services!

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