Magento 2 Roadmap & Plannability for your Ecommerce Store!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: April 14, 2021
Magento 2 roadmap

Magento 2 Roadmap

Thanks to the official roadmap for Magento 2, developers and retailers can finally see transparently when which release appears. Updates can be planned very specifically with the necessary lead time and imported directly after publication. This will make it easier for ecommerce store operators to secure their store against attacks, keep the system up-to-date at all times and benefit from all available features.

Magento ensures planning security

After new releases for Magento were often presented surprisingly to the community in recent years, Magento has now done a lot to offer online retailers more planning security and to be able to make new features available to developers more quickly. This means, on the one hand, that the internal processes have been adapted so that the software can be delivered in reliable cycles in the future, and on the other hand, the schedule for the upcoming updates is now communicated very transparently.

Release Policy

Magento ecommerce solution recognized semantic versioning as an important best practice and is now putting the model into practice. In addition to major releases (Magento 2) and minor releases (Magento 2.3), there are also service releases called “patches” (most recently Magento 2.3.4). In addition, so-called security-only patches are now appearing (Magento 2.3.3-p1), so that retailers have the opportunity to initially only close the security gaps and only switch to the new version later. Further information can be found on the official Magento Release Policy page.


There is now a detailed information offer for the current and upcoming Magento 2 releases, which consists of three parts: availability, planned release dates and compatibility.


The availability table clearly shows which product or module is currently available in which version and for which user group. In addition, it is indicated how they can be obtained (e.g. via Composer or the Magento Marketplace).

magento 2 availability

Planned releases

The heart of the official Magento roadmap is the overview of the planned releases. Here it is specified exactly to the day when which version will appear as pre- and final release. With the release of Magento 2.3.4, this plan was met accurately in mid-January 2020 – although Magento expressly reserves the right to change the data. Magento lists the upcoming release dates.

magento 2 plan


The compatibility of individual modules in different available versions with the Magento 2 versions since the last minor release is also clearly defined. In this way, possible conflicts can be ruled out in advance. Magento provides information about the compatibility of components and versions.

Magento Open Source: Close coupling to Magento Commerce

The releases of Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce are now closely linked. Updates are published for both products at the same time. Deviations arise solely from modules that are reserved for users of Magento Commerce – such as the current page builder.

If you are looking for a Magento web development, Magento ecommerce development and other related web development services, please explore our Magento Web Development Services! We also provide Magento website maintenance services, Magento 2 maintenance services, Magento store maintenance and Magento application security audit. For more information, please visit our Magento maintenance services!

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