Top 10 Reasons Why Your Website Design Must be Mobile Friendly!

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 28, 2020
Mobile Friendly Website Design


In 2020, the number of smartphone users is roughly 3.5 billion people which translates to 45% of the total world population. According to a study, mobile accounts for 52% of the global web traffic consistently above 50% since 2016. With such an astronomical growth of mobile phones, no mobile strategy means lurking the business future in the dark.

No matter what your business niche is, the market is surely present on smartphone platforms. With a majority of business and buying decisions happening on your mobile phone, you simply cannot rely on desktop-oriented websites and expect a great business outcome. Hence having a website that is mobile friendly is no longer optional- it’s imperative!

Read on how crafting responsive website designs help you accelerate your business’ online presence.

1. Mobile, Mobile, Mobile! It’s everywhere!

With each year, worldwide traffic is becoming exceedingly mobile-heavy. Most people out there access websites via smartphones instead of a desktop or a laptop. As per a report by Hubspot, about 61% of customers perceive a brand positively if the brand provides the best mobile experience. The contrary is true as well- poor mobile experience is driving potential customers to competitors.

By making responsive web designs, you are offering a great experience to your visitors and ensuring your relevance through all the market upgrades and evolving technology trends.

2. It’s all about UX Web Design!

The average attention span of the mobile site users is less than 8 seconds. Responsive websites are visually appealing, load faster on mobile phones, and have intuitive site navigation. A poorly designed website will likely have a frustrating UX for smartphone users and they will be forced to zoom/scroll in to see text, struggle to fill the glitchy forms and will likely drive away your potential customers. So having a mobile-friendly website helps your users to find the information they need easier and faster.

3. Competitive edge – Stay ahead of the race!

Many of the companies are already transforming their online presence by making responsive designs a priority to achieve the unbeatable competitive advantage and win a brand power in the industry. And if you stay behind the race, remember that your user takes no time to chuck you out and go to your competitor.
So in order to contend against your competitors in your niche industry, you need to stay on the same playing field with responsive designs.

4. Cost-effective solution

Businesses earlier used to create separate websites for desktop and mobile devices and hence the overall costs used to run pretty high. But with the responsive design framework, the navigation changes automatically with respect to the type of the device and align your web pages to align with your mobile phone sizes. The design, development, and even the maintenance cost reduced to a great extent, and the benefit in terms of quality, ROI, and experience is immense.

5. Drives more Organic traffic

Google rolled out mobile-first indexing which made mobile-responsiveness a must-have trait for your website. This algorithm checks the mobile-friendliness to decide the organic rankings of the webpages and websites. Also, this supports high-quality link building and with just one link that gets shared everywhere. It made every business to switch to responsive site designs to acquire sustainable Search Engine rankings.

6. Foster rockstar conversions and sales

A huge chunk of your revenue could come from mobile traffic. With a mobile-friendly website, you give 24*7 access to your product/service to your prospects and customers. Your customers make a quick browse of your products on their smartphones, gather information, and make an educated purchasing. In a way, this improves your engagement rate and you can even expect higher conversion rates and better sales opportunities as well.

7. Augment your social presence

Social media platforms on mobile phones are most frequently used by the users and they are clicking through from your social networks to your website. Whether they are reading your blog or signing up for your newsletter, your website should guarantee a smooth user experience for these social visitors. Responsive websites also enable easy sharing on social platforms which improves your visibility. Creating a successful social media marketing strategy without mobile responsiveness is incomplete.

8. Competitive Speed recommendation

No user is ready to wait for more than 5 seconds and this impacts your SEO rankings, traffic, conversion rate, and revenue. These reasons enhance the necessity to ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Google PageSpeed guidelines also ask for a site to load within 2 seconds. But that won’t be possible if your website is not responsive.

9. CMS platforms support response designs

Millions of websites hosted using various CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal and others also started using responsive themes. It is easier to maintain one responsive domain than to maintain unique mobile and desktop versions. A responsive website adapts its design to the device a viewer sees your pages on, without you needing to do too much tinkering.

Many CRMs allow you to use smart content, which can change based on who is viewing your page – such as inserting a returning visitor’s name in a heading or serving information based on the type of the device. So it’s better to have a site that makes educated adjustments on its own rather than manually adjusted.

10. Better your SEO

Running multiple versions (desktop and mobile) of the same website itself is a hassle and leading SEO consultants, firms, and websites are suggesting to invest on responsive websites. You can optimize the prime keywords of your business that potential customers may use on their mobile phones. You can incorporate mobile-specific keywords effectively into a responsive design website too.

You don’t need separate SEO campaigns for your desktop and mobile version of your websites anymore. Responsive websites typically load faster and improve the UX which makes the users stay on your website. Longer sessions and more click-throughs are great indicators of lower bounce rates and hence improve your organic rankings on the search engines.


By now it must be clear that no business can afford to move in the direction opposite to the market conditions, customer trends, and evolving technology upgrades. A mobile-responsive website covers all the factors that will be beneficial to all the stakeholders and hence it is an indispensable addition to your business online marketing arsenal.

If you are looking for a website design services, UX/UI web design, online store design, ecommerce website design, Please explore our website design services! We also provide website redesign services, online store redesign and ecommerce website redesign services. For more information, please explore our website redesign services!

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