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Website Optimization Checkpoints – 10 Tips to Boost the Homepage of your Website

In the following, we clarify why not only the content but also the design of the homepage and especially the homepage is so important.
It rumoured that home pages are losing importance due to modern search engine optimization (SEO). With the help of SEO, users land directly on a subpage that corresponds to their search intent. As a rule, you can still get to the home page with a second click. This disproves this rumour and shows how important a good home page is. The home page is what a potential customer, applicant or business partner sees. It acts as a figurehead and advertising flyer and is significantly involved in what impression the user gets. The decision of whether a website appears attractive, informative and trustworthy is made within a few seconds.

The first impression must, therefore, be convincing and encourage further use. Here are some tips:

1. Describe goal

Since the first impression is crucial, it must be clear right at the beginning which brand or company it is and which products, services or information are offers. That is why the presentation of your logo with a short explanation is particularly important. Suitable positions for this are at the top left or in the middle, where the gaze, according to reading habits, goes first.

2. Focus on Search field & navigation

When entering a search query, there is often a deliberate intention to buy. The provision of search fields enables the user to quickly and easily search the website. Search fields are particularly useful for online shops. It is important that the search field recognizable as such at first glance through the input field and button. Intuitive and clear navigation on the start page is just as important. It gives the visitor an overview and knows where he is on the website. Too many points in the navigation are therefore disadvantageous.

3. Represent Seriousness & Create Trust

Not all websites on the Internet have positive intentions and are therefore avoided by users as far as possible. In order to stand out clearly from such dubious sites for customers, references, certificates, seals of approval or customer reviews should find on the home page. In this way, a brand conveys credibility and authenticity and creates trust among users. Furthermore, care should be taken when designing that no flashing elements or pop-ups are used. The placement of third-party advertising, spelling mistakes and direct forwarding to another domain also appear dubious. Content overloading and dubious promises should also be avoided. Connections to well-known brands or organizations, but also modern design with current content, support credibility. Stay with your corporate design to generate a uniform and serious appearance.

4. Constructing the content and design for target groups

A good homepage should arouse sympathy among users. The prerequisite for this is to know your persona. Both the design and the address must tailor to the target group. This way feels understood in their needs and ideas and picked up by the brand. For all target groups, it is important, for example, not to overwhelm the eye of the beholder and not to use more than three fonts.

5. Unique selling point

The unique selling point should emphasize the unique benefit of your product or your performance compared to the competition and is considered a sales promise of your offer. You should know your target group and put their needs in the foreground. A USP, therefore, represents a clear competitive advantage and encourages consumers to buy.

6. Call to Action (CTA)

Your homepage should not only offer products or services but also invite you to use them. A call-to-action is a direct request to the visitor to perform a specific action. The wording of the call-to-action must not be too intrusive. According to the perception of the CTA, the message should trigger the necessary impetus so that users can do something in particular. They also serve to orient visitors and create additional trust in your company and your products.

7. Contact details & imprint

If the start page is successful, contact details and an imprint should also be visible. On the one hand to be able to make contact and on the other hand to strengthen the seriousness.

8. Keep Updating

Not only the design should be up to date, but also the content. If a company has new products or other news, this should show on the home page. That keeps the website alive returning visitors can always discover something new.

9. Above the fold

Modern websites are usually longer and rely on one-pages, so you have to scroll down to see all the content. “Above the fold” means the part of a website that is shown directly to the user without scrolling. So, this area is noticed first and is therefore so important. As already explained, a homepage is at least the second thing is a visitor encounter. Therefore, the above-the-fold section on the homepage must be particularly convincing. The most important elements should show here and curiosity generated.

10. Functionally sound

Designing good start pages is not just a purely creative process, the technical process should also run smoothly. It is important that a good homepage works properly and regardless of the device. The optimization of mobile devices should not be missing. Furthermore, the duration of the charging time must be taken into account. If charging takes too long, users could jump off in today’s fast-paced world.

We would also be happy to support you personally in optimizing your homepage. If you are looking for Search Engine Optimization Services, Social Media Marketing Services, Digital Marketing Services, PPC Campaign Management Services and more, Please Explore our SEO Services!

Web Development India

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