Which Factors Really Impact on App Store Optimization? How to achieve successful ranking?

By | Date posted: | Last updated: December 29, 2020
App Store Optimization

Measures to be at the top of the Google search have now become commonplace in every company. But if you also want your app to be listed as high as possible in the app stores and can be found quickly, you have to deal with the topic of app store optimization.

This is very similar to the SEO measures of a website, whereby the aim of the App store optimization is to draw the customer’s attention to the own app offer and to encourage them to download.

Why app store optimization is so important?

An app is often quite complex to develop. If you have made this effort, it makes sense to market the app in such a way that it also generates customers. Depending on the project, the app should complement the company or expand it with additional functions. Simply putting the app in the store is not enough for this – the customer has to find it too.

With over 2.2 million apps in the app stores, this is not that easy. Often no exact names are entered, only keywords that come to mind about the app. Around 65% of the apps are thus discovered through the search function.

Which factors are important for app store rankings?

Similar to SEO, there are also various measures in app store optimization to rank well.

The title

In order to appear as high up as possible, the title must match the search queries. So, you should take your time to formulate a meaningful title. To do this, it is necessary to know your target group and their needs as precisely as possible.


Keyword research is also an important factor in App store optimization. You should first ask yourself which keywords are used by the target group and which are relevant. The observation of competitors can also be a helpful tool.

Keywords in the title

When considering the title and searching for keywords, sooner or later the question arises whether keywords in the title make sense. The answer – absolutely. Based on tests, apps that also have the keyword in the title rank 10.3% higher than apps without the keyword in the title.


Even if this factor is of secondary importance, it still makes sense to keep an eye on the number of downloads that have already been made. Unfortunately, there is little control over download numbers. Influencing is accordingly difficult. Nevertheless, these key figures for reporting and optimization should be collected and checked regularly. Because high download numbers can also have a positive effect on the ranking.

Ratings and reviews

This factor is also rather difficult to influence. However, positive reviews can be an advantage, especially when it comes to recommendations. The possibility of influencing this is small, but good customer service, for example, helps to accept negative feedback and change the customer’s mind.

How do I succeed?

First of all, it takes time. App store optimization is an ongoing process that has to be optimized again and again. A high-quality selection of keywords and good title formulations also take time to achieve measurable results. The target group should be defined in advance. In addition to the correct selection of keywords, the appearance of the app in the store is also important.

The so-called asset optimization describes the improvement of the actual app appearance. Screenshots, preview videos and app icons should also be carefully considered. The customer will only download the app if the preview already promises advantages or special features. The app icon should also look appealing and of high quality, only then will the user take a closer look at the app.

Why should I use app store optimization?

The main goal of an app is to appeal to users, to bind them to the company and thereby generate profits. Both existing and new customers are important users. In order to be well received and especially used by existing customers or customers who do not yet know the company, a ranking high up in the app stores is necessary.

A good app appearance, Improved UX design and a high position in the search also offer the use of new marketing channels. Users can also find your app via trends or random searches. If you like the app, it will also have a positive view of the company.

We would be happy to advise you in more detail on the subject of app store optimization, thus helping your app to grow user numbers.

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